My mission - call for submissions

"My Mission" - call for submissions

"{self}_representation 2003" -
the new show on Le Musee di-visioniste or
- launched on 30 September 2003 -

invites artists to submit to the recently initiated project
"My Mission",
collection of textual self-representations in form of artistic statements.

Please send your statement as a short text in plain email format (not more
than 500 words),
how you see your mission as an artist, if you have any.

"My mission" is an ongoing project with an open end, so you can send your
statement at any time. No deadline.

All serious submissions will be immediately included.

Please send your submission to
[email protected]
subject line: My Mission
(this is important)

"{self}_representation 2003"
is curated by Agricola de Cologne

for Le Musee di-visioniste
- corporate member of
[NewMediaArtProjectNetwork] :||cologne -
the experimental platform for net based art -
operating from Cologne/Germany.