Fwd: [oldboys] **DIGITALES**CALL FOR TALES**

Begin forwarded message:

> From: constant <[email protected]>
> Date: Thu Sep 25, 2003 4:39:19 AM US/Eastern
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> Subject: [oldboys] **DIGITALES**CALL FOR TALES**
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> /////////////ENG///////////////////
> (nl zie hieronder) (fr voir plus bas)
> ///////////////////
> DIGITALES - 3rd edition
> Tell the stories * of women and technologies
> Rather than falling into techno-phobia or becoming techno-fans,
> "Digitales"
> has always approached digital techniques with a critical and creative
> eye.
> They exist, they are here, so we might as well use them, understand
> them and
> make use of them in a way that will serve our objectives.
> We cannot ignore the history of information technologies, their
> mythology,
> symbols, heroines, male or female. The history and mythology being
> transmitted still influences the way they are written and taught. One
> often
> hears that girls are not interested in technical things because they
> are too
> cold and too systematic, but what about telling them that one of the
> pioneers of computing wanted to create a machine that would enable him
> to
> contact his lost loved one and that he died like Snow White after
> eating a
> poisoned apple : isn't that a beautiful fairy tale?
> Understanding the languages and structures in this new grammar, and
> maybe
> even imagining others. How these standards and structures have been
> able to
> exclude or involve certain types of people, because of certain types of
> reflexes and expectations, but by discovering that, also discover the
> possibility of re-writing and inventing processes.
> We would like to receive stories and herstories about what we call the
> "founding myths": Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, Grace Hopper, etc.
> And also tales of/about women and techniques
> * Send a ' fragment ' or a whole story in words and/or images on one A4
> format page; RTF or JPG files, 300k maximum, to be uploaded ONLY on
> http://www.digitales-online.org/tales
> Deadline : 15 November 2003
> Questions? [email protected]