AVM News October 2003


A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity
New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne

**Hot Memory page**
features this month
Shilpa Gupta (India) and her net based project
Table of Contents:
a) Call for entries
b) News
c) Features of the month October 2003
a) Call for entries:
Rainforest Memorial -
5 minutes before 12 - Memorial for the protection and preservation of the
natural environment on Earth and its inhabitans
Deadline 28 November for being included on 1 December
Please find the complete text and the entry form on
start page of www.a-virtual-memorial.org
b) News in October

1. On 30 September, the new show
"{self}_representation 2003,
a co-operation with Le Musee di-visioniste
was launched on www.le-musee-divisioniste.org or
including 250 artists from 40 countries

Call for artists submissions for "My Mission".
More details on

2. [R]-[R]-[F] Festival www.newmediafest.org/rrf/
Version 1.0 of the new festival environment of A Virtual Memorial
was participating until 28 September in
Interactiva'03 - Biennale for New Media Art at
Museum of Contemporary Art Merida/Yucatan (Mexico).
Within the three months of running time the project had more
than 50.000 hits and about 9.000 unique visitors.

3.. "Hot Memory " page features this month again another artist
who is accepted to participate in future versions of [R]-[R]-[F] Festival
but is still waiting. This feature will help to abbreviate the time of

Shilpa Gupta (India) and her net based work "diamondsandyou.co"
Entrance on www.a-virtual-memorial.org

4. Urban.early sunday morning_raw
( a net based work originating from A Virtual Memorial)
participates in
*FiFi Festival Paris
16-18 October 2003

New month - new subject
c) ***Features of the Month

The month October 2003 is dedicated to
the refugees in all parts of the world

Memorial days in October

2003 International Year of Fresh Water

2 October 1869 Mahadma Ghandy Birthday (India)
3 October 1990 Signing of the German Reunification Treaty (Germany)
8 October 1912 Begin of 1st Balkan War (Europe)
24 October 2003 United Nations Day

*The Features of the Month are monthly changing
collections of multimedia works and links which form in the
totality of the composition an artwork of theirown
to be created on a webpage of theirown
within the Memorial project.*

Subject of the Month:
Forced to Exile?

Featured Artist: Exile by Yuri Marder
Road 2 : Poet in Exile
Road 3: Exile by William Brenner
Road 4: The exile system of Gulag
Road 5: Deportation- enforced exile
Road 6: Expulsion- forced to exile
Road 7 : Goverment in Exile
Road 8 : Italian Silence

Until the next time
all the best,

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
[email protected]
Memorial project against the Forgetting and for Humanity -
ongoing New Media art project by Agricola de Cologne
A short description as PDF file for free download from

Optimized for 1024x768 VGA resolution,
latest browser versions of
MS Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera
soundcard, Flash 6 required

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