New MAG Special Edition / Muse News


New MAG Special Edition
Featuring Work
By Sheila Murphy


You don't want to miss this special edition of the MAG
which features the beautiful, profound and impeccably
crafted work of the brilliant poet Sheila Murphy. Her
work has appeared in countless publications online and in print.
She is one of the most prolific and gifted poets of our time.


This MAG Special Edition features an interview with
Ms. Murphy by August Highland, nine new poems,
and a tour de force collection of couplets that fuse
past and present traditions into a new literary phenomenon.


See The MAG Special Edition
Featuring Work
By Sheila Murphy


In The Current Issue

The Muse Apprentice Guild, edited by August Highland is the largest,
most widely read international literary quarterly on the Internet, with
40 co-editors worldwide. Hundreds of thousands of readers turn it's
every year. The current issue is the First Anniversary Issue and
presents over
700 writers and over 2,000 literary works, with special presentations of
from Bulgaria, Australia Italy, Armenia, Israel, and Iran.


Next Issue

Deadline for the fall issue is October 15. Look for more of what the MAG
readership has come to expect. Special features will include writers
from China,
Nepal, the Philippines, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia,
and hundreds
of new writers from Bulgaria, Australia and Italy.


Banner Advertisements

Promotional banner advertisements are now being accepted by the MAG.
Banners are a nominal $10 a month per title and are placed in a random
rotation with other writers' banners. Banners appear on every page in
the MAG. For example, if in the current issue of the MAG there had been
ten writers with banners each writer would have had a 1 in 10 chance of
his/her banner appearing every time a visitor clicked on a page in the
MAG. This week over ten thousand pages were clicked on every day. This
means his/her banner would have appeared 1,000 times a day this past
week or 7,000 times for the whole week

Banners appear at the top of the page where the MAG header appears:

"the muse apprentice guild
–expanding the canon into the 21st century"

Only professional, stylish and unobstrusive banners are accepted.
Banners by Major Publishing Houses are subject to a higher fee.


The MAG Awards

Money generated by banner advertisements will be used to fund the MAG

Each year the MAG Awards will be held in San Diego, California. Awards
will be given in several categories:

These are some of the categories under consideration:

1. Most Innovative Poetry
2. Most Innovative Fiction
3. Most Innovative Drama
4. Best New Genre
5. Best Young Writer
6. Best Emerging Writer
7. Best Overlooked Writer
8. Life-Achievement Award

More information on the MAG Awards will be coming in the near
future. Look for updated announcements.


Writers' Rights

August Highland is inaugurating a new department in the
Muse Apprentice Guild beginning in the fall issue. The
new department is called "Writers' Rights" and is devoted
to liberating writers around the world who are censored, persecuted,
imprisoned, tortured and murdered for exercising their freedom
through the printed word.

Countries that are already contributing to "Writers' Rights" include
Cuba, Japan and the Philippines.

If you would like to become involved in "Writers' Rights" contact
August Highland at the email address found at the Muse Apprentice
Guild Website.


Upcoming MAG Special Editions

In October look for MAG Special Editions featuring the
astonishing work of Michael Basinksi and Dr. John M Bennett

The Muse Apprentice Guild
- Answering the question "Does Poetry Matter?",
- Changing the map of the World Of Letters
- Expanding the canon into the 21st Century"


august highland

muse apprentice guild
–"expanding the canon into the 21st century"

culture animal
–"following in the footsteps of tradition"

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