Fwd: Creative News September 27th 2003

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Info" <[email protected]>
> Date: Sat Sep 27, 2003 3:49:51 PM US/Eastern
> To: "Artbase" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Creative News September 27th 2003
> Reply-To: "Support" <[email protected]>
> Open Internationally to all areas of creative media
> The winning entries will receive a selection of cutting edge art
> and design books. Closing for entries 29th Sept all work to be
> received by Friday 3rd October 2003.
> COMPETITION PACK: Entry forms & Guidelines e-mail
> [email protected] with RANDOM VOICES in the subject.
> Further competition information visit the website
> http://www.refocus-now.co.uk
> Winners to be announced this week.
> Showcase to be held 15th - 19th December 2003
> at Gallery 47, Bloomsbury, London. (opposite
> the British Museum)
> First stock catalogue goes into Production this October.
> A showcase exhibition for work featured in this
> edition will be held at the Waterloo Gallery for
> two weeks from 3rd July - 17th July 2004
> (Approx 100 metres to Waterloo International Station)
> If you would be interested in submitting work for publication in our
> Stock Catalogues please e-mail your contact details requesting the
> submission
> guidelines which include;
> i) Distribution information.
> ii) Type of imagery requested
> iii) Submitting work for review
> iv) Accepted images proceedure/participation fees.
> E-mail [email protected] with STOCK IMAGES
> in the subject line.
> http://www.refocus-now.co.uk/Pages/STOCKCATALOGUE.htm
> Screening of addresses has been done to the best of our technical
> ability.
> If you have been forwarded this e-mail from a friend and wish to
> be subscribed to the mailing list send a blank e-mail to
> [email protected] with the word subscribe in the subject line or
> http://www.refocus-now.co.uk/Pages/registration.html
> To be removed from all of our databases, reply to this message with
> the word "Remove" in the subject line.
> Refocus Now Ltd, Sixth Floor, 175 Piccadilly, London W1J 9TB,
> Tel +44 (0) 207 2320168 Fax 0870 125 9102
> www.refocus-now.co.uk
> [email protected]