strange news and thanks

A couple of months ago I saw a post to Rhizome about a job programming
interactive audio. This in itself is unusual, but it is in my home town
about 4000 miles from New York. And the job is to do Director programming,
among other things, which I do a lot of anyway. And and and. So I applied.

That'd be my job now. I start Oct 1 on this four-year contract. I'm really
pumped about it. I'll be working with some very talented musicians/visual
artists/programmers on projects that I have wanted to be working on for some

I quit my comfy job as a tech writer in seattle in 2000 to pursue
interactive audio. so my chops are down, my bank account is empty, and i'm
weady to wock and woll.

Many thanks to Mark Tribe and Don Ritter for posting the job. That $20
membership is looking pretty good.

Strange routers that bring it home.

