"Stop the Occupaton of Iraq " UK demo tomorrow

Any Brits on the list, the Stop the War Coalition
/CND/ Muslim Association of GB demonstration against
the occupation is tomorrow (Sat 27th).
Assemble Hyde Park 12 noon for a march to Trafalgar
There's transport from all over the country.
More details from

Blair is in the deep shit he is now because we marched
in our millions earlier this year.
A big march tomorrow can help to prevent the UK
joining future military adventures ( Syria, Iran
,North Korea??) & bring the end of the colonialist
occupation closer.
And anyone who doubts that the war *was* an
inperialist adventure should look at the sell off of
all Iraqi industry ( bar the oil industry, natch)
announced last weekend with full repatriation of
profits permitted.
What's very interesting is that in my town we've had
the 'end the occupation' petition signed
enthusiastically by a number of soldiers and their
One guy who'd just returned from Basra said he felt
they'd been used. He was right of course.
Hope to see you there.

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