Perspectives'03 - results

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(Java=Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs)

1. Announcement of the finalists of :

competition and show case
in co-operation with
Computer Space Festival 2003 Sofia/Bulgaria
and Goethe-Institut - Internationes Sofia/Bulgaria
16-18 October 2003
Announcement of the participants of:

Feature: Netart from German speaking countries
presented in co-operation with Goethe-Institut - Internationes
Sofia/Bulgaria during Computer Space Festival
JavaMuseum is happy to announce
the finalists of the competition "Perspectives'03"
which will form the basis of the show case
to be launched online on 13 October 2003.

The winners of JavaArtist of the Year Award,
- initiated in order to honor the most outstanding artists working with net
based media, and given in 2003 for the 3rd time -
will be announced during the Award ceremony of
Computer Space Festival on 16 October,
as well as the "Perspectives of Excellence".

These are the finalists, selected by a jury during several weeks:

Jillian McDonald (Canada), Gair Dunlop &Dan Norton (UK)
Babel (Canada), Bruno Samper (France), Jonah Brucker-Cohen (Irland)
Marcello Mercado (Germany), Nicolas Economos (USA)
Julian Alvarez (Spain ), Jody Zellen (USA), Per Pegelow (Germany)
Adele Prince/Edward Hill (UK), Marcus Neustetter (South Africa)
Annie Abrahams (France), David Crawford (USA) (Singapore), David Clark (Canada)
Agence Topo (Canada), Sashiko Hayashi (Sweden)
Thomson & Craighead (UK), Gregory Chatonsky (France )
Enrique Radigales (UK), Jurgen Trautwein (USA), Dimitre Lima (Brazil)
Roxanne Wolanczyk (USA) , Redcaiman