IALA Gallery News - PIRATES!

IALA Gallery

355 Seyburn Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

001 (255) 766-3811


Sept. 20,2003

Press Release

Artists, Performers celebrate "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"
IALA Gallery Adds "Pirated Movie" to MTAA exhibition

Press Contact:

Contact Information:

Patrick Lichty

Director, IALA Gallery

355 Seyburn Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70808 USA

viewings by appointment

225 288 5813

[email protected]

IALA Gallery is pleased to announce the success of Baton Rouge based events=
created by arts professionals and galleries centered on the internationall=
y-recognized "Talk Like a Pirate Day" that was originated by John Baur and =
Mark Summers and made famous by syndicated columnist Dave Barry. Be


IALA gallery is proud to present conceptual artists Whid and River in prese=
nting their postcard art exhibition. This is a variation of the installatio=
n recently seen in New York's New York's 31 Grand and Rome Art galleries. =
For this addition, IALA received a postcard for the MTAA installation at Po=
stmasters entitled "Pirated Movie" which was a (re)presentation of a pirate=
d copy of the Johnny Depp film, thus inspiring the intersection with Intern=
ational Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Furthermore, in conjunction with the expansion of the MTAA exhibition, Dr. =
Leigh Clemons staged a performance event entitled "Pirate Professor" for he=
r Sept. 19th Introduction to Theatre lecture in the 1000-seat Beau Cambell =
Auditorium at Louisiana State University. Dr. Clemons delivered her lectur=
e on publicity and performance in traditional Hollywood pirate attire and b=
rogue to uproarious applause. To quote Dr. Clemons, "Yarr! It be a fine ev=
ent, but without better publicity, I be makin' some curators walk the plank=
to get me some rum from Davy Jones' Locker!"


Dr. Leigh Clemons is a noted theatre historian, performance artist, and cul=
tural theorist, whose various roles, including "Lenore Stanley, Corporate W=
age Slave" has brought her into contact and collaboration with numerous lum=
inaries, including RTMark, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, and Holly Hughes. She is =
widely published in the area of public and media performance of national id=
entity, and is currently working on a volume on the performance of Texan id=
entity. She is Assistant Professor of Theatre History, Critical Theory and=
Dramatic Literature at Louisiana State University.


Whid and River (AKA MTAA) are leading edge conceptualists in the rising gen=
re of technological/new media art. Their most contemporary and historically=
-informed works expand the critical issues relating to the nature of art in=
the technological age, and especially after the rise of the Internet. Thei=
r physical and virtual works are widely shown, and have been featured at nu=
merous venues, including the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Walker =
Art Center.


IALA is a private not-for-profit gallery run by curator and owner Patrick L=
ichty, which promotes the works of experimental and new media artists throu=
gh our ongoing exhibitions. Within our permanent collection are works from =
numerous contemporary and electronic artists, including Peggy Ahwesh, Amy A=
lexander, MTAA, Roman Verostko, Simon Biggs, Igor Vamos, Yael Kanarek, Barb=
ara Lattanzi, Nancy Buchanan, Melanie Crean, BOME, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, La=
rry Miller, RTMark, Jack Ox, Noriko Meguro, The YesMen, Patrick Lichty, Pau=
l Vanouse, and Diamanda Galas only to name a few.