beginner for beginners

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Pronunciation: bi'ginur

WordNet Dictionary

Definition: 1.. [n] a person who founds or establishes some inst=
itution; "George Washington is the father of his country"
2.. [n] someone new to a field or activity

Synonyms: father, founder, founding father, initiate, novice, tir=
o, tyro

See Also: abecedarian, apprentice, cofounder, coloniser, colonize=
r, conceiver, cub, entrant, fledgeling, fledgling, foundress, freshman, gre=
enhorn, landlubber, landsman, learner, lubber, mastermind, neophyte, newcom=
er, originator, prentice, rookie, starter, tenderfoot, trainee, unskilled p=

Webster's 1913 Dictionary

Definition: Be*gin"ner, n.
One who begins or originates anything. Specifically: A young
or inexperienced practitioner or student; a tyro.

A sermon of a new beginner. –Swift.

Thesaurus Terms

Related Terms: abecedarian, agent, alphabetarian, ancestors, appr=
entice, architect, articled clerk, artificer, artist, author, baby, begette=
r, boot, builder, catalyst, catechumen, causer, colt, conceiver, constructo=
r, craftsman, creator, deb, debutant, designer, deviser, discoverer, effect=
or, engenderer, engineer, entrant, executor, executrix, father, fledgling, =
founder, freshman, generator, greenhorn, greeny, grower, ignoramus, inaugur=
ator, inductee, industrialist, infant, initiate, initiator, inspirer, insti=
gator, institutor, introducer, inventor, journeyman, learner, maker, manufa=
cturer, master, master craftsman, mother, mover, neophyte, nestling, new bo=
y, newcomer, novice, novitiate, organizer, originator, parent, past master,=
planner, postulant, precursor, prime mover, primum mobile, probationer, pr=
obationist, producer, raiser, raw recruit, realizer, recruit, rookie, shape=
r, sire, smith, tenderfoot, trainee, tyro, wright