The Bomb Project: post your own (clarification)

to clarify:

I'm inviting artists and others to use this forum/message board to
announce projects that have to do with nuclear issues (, video,
publications, conferences, etc. etc.); The Bomb Project gets ~ 200 hits
a day, so if you have an event you want to publicize or a new
project (atomic related) you want to unleash, please feel free to post it
here. If something strikes my eye as particularly pertinent I will put it
in the *features* section on the front page.

all posts not relating to this specialized area will be deleted (and
already have been).


Current Front Page Features:

Face To Face with the Bomb, by Paul Shambroom (artist book)

CWIHP Conference: Cold War Memory: Interpreting the Physical Legacy of the
Cold War; "Capturing the Bomb: the Nuclear Weapons Photography of Paul
Shambroom + Robert Del Tredici" slide presentation.

Upcoming Feature:

100 SUNS, by Michael Light (pub date Oct 2003) artist book + website

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 13:35:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joy Garnett <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: The Bomb Project: post your own


The Bomb Project: Art + Information Forum
Please post relevant urls and information about conferences, publications,
projects, exhibitions.

go to:

forum lives at:'04252453&cpv=2
