NETNOISE and "Sound Culture"

Apologies for cross posting

Live and online, with the new release "NETNOISE" this weekend,
Cornell hosts "Sound Culture" September 12-13, sponsored by the Rose
Goldsen Archive of New Media Art –workshop details below

NETNOISE…………online at


* noise velocity –by Simon Biggs, Plasma Studii, Akuvido, Candy Factory

* culture pitch –by mez, Shu Lea Cheang,
And re "Sound Culture",

Kongo and Chang Heavy Industries with Candy Factory, Tanja Vujinovic and
Zvonka Simcic

* sound motion –by Jody Zellen, Christina McPhee and Michael Sellam

This from a recent note from Tim Murray… Tim writes,

" Readers in the New York/New England area might be interested in a 2 day
art and theory workshop on "Sound Culture" to be held at Cornell University
Ithaca, New York,Sept. 12-13, sponsored by The Rose Goldsen Archive of New
Media Art.

The event is free and open to the public and will be preceded by a
virtual seminar organized by Norie Neumark between sound artists in
Australia and those gathered in Ithaca."

NETNOISE is edited by Tim Murray and Arthur and Marilouise Kroker for
CTHEORY Multimedia 2003
