Intelligent Agent 3.2 launches...

intelligent agent - Vol. 3 No. 2

Vol. 3 No. 2, Fall' 03
The first wave of articles from Vol. 3 No. 2 is now available at

intelligent agent is published as a quarterly online magazine in a modular =
*3 thematic threads

Threads of Vol. 3 No. 2:




*reviews on DVDs, Web, books, projects

All content is available in html and as pdf files with layout, which allow =
readers to assemble customized issues. The content of each quarterly issue =
becomes available over a period of 3 months.



+ Joel Slayton, Entailment Mesh: A Mediated Social Network

Joel Slayton discusses Entailment Mesh, a mediated social network enabling =
workgroup brainstorming. The objective of this project is to explore method=
s of conversation and learning within a ubiquitous information network. Thi=
s objective includes development of languaging techniques for the emergence=
of domain specific knowledge.

+Scott Paterson / Marina Zurkow / Julian Bleecker, Toward an Emotional GPS:=
Writing Your Own City

The authors use their project PDPal as a case study of "emotional GPS" and =
explore psychogeography and cognitive mapping as two suggestions for record=
ing wireless experiences.


+ Rafael Fajardo, Pixels, Politics, and Play: Digital Video Games as Social=

Fajardo presents his video games CrosserT & La MigraT as art projects, poli=
tical commentary, and multi-level homage. The games simulate opposing point=
s of view on the Rio Grande. One places the player in the shoes of one who =
is attempting to cross the river/border illegally. The other places the pla=
yer in the seat of a border patrol agent of the US Immigration and Naturali=
zation Service who attempts to prevent illegal entry. The essay includes a =
survey of didactic games as well as a section on "Games vs. Game Theory At =
the US Mexico Border."


+ Margaret Dolinsky, Audio Sequencers and Sound-Activated Graphics in Netwo=

Dolinsky discusses her sound art environment 'Beat Box,'which presents netw=
orked CAVE participants with a playful arena of interactive virtual sound m=


Patrick Lichty on the Animatrix DVD

Leigh Clemons on the '24' website

For a full Table of Contents, visit


intelligent agent

Editor-in-Chief: Patrick Lichty

Director: Christiane Paul

intelligent agent is a service organization and information

provider dedicated to interpreting and promoting art that

uses digital technologies for production and presentation.


intelligent agent - Vol. 3 No. 1

Vol. 3 No. 1, Winter '03

intelligent agent resumes its quarterly publication as an online magazine i=
n a new modular format:
*3 thematic threads with contributing writers
*reviews on festivals, net art, exhibitions, books, tech sector

All content is available in html and as pdf files with layout, which allow =
readers to assemble customized issues. The content of each quarterly issue =
will become available over a period of 3 months.

Vol. 3 No. 1 is now available at



the political sphere

+ US Department of Art & Technology, Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use =
of Artistic Acts of Mediation

+ Samuel Smith, Postmodernism is dead – now what? Distributed Culture and =
the Rise of the Network Age

+ RSG, How We Made Our Own "Carnivore"

Coming soon: Mike Mosher; Nathan M. Martin;


+ Eduardo Kac, The Eighth Day

Coming soon: Ricardo Dominguez; Gregory Little; Tiffany Holmes;

new media curation

+ Anne-Marie Schleiner, Fluidities and Oppositions among Curators, Filter F=
eeders and Future Artists

Coming soon: Jennifer Crowe (an interview with Steve Dietz);

MTAA, MTAA's Amazing Criswell Future Algorithm System

REVIEWS (festivals, exhibitions, net art, books, tech sector)
Curt Cloninger on Yoshi Sodeoka; Gregory Little on Van Burnham's "Supercade=
;" Patrick Lichty on the Parallax Toddler Robot Kit; and more.

Questions? Comments?

Please post responses to the issue at


intelligent agent

Editor-in-Chief: Patrick Lichty

Director: Christiane Paul

intelligent agent is a service organization and information

provider dedicated to interpreting and promoting art that

uses digital technologies for production and presentation.
