Amnesty Int. flash movie

Flash infomercial for AI cause…
Amnesty International recently released the
organization's newest Internet flash movie asking
activists around the world to take action to abolish
the Estado Mayor Presidencial in Guatemala. The EMP,
Estado Mayor Presidencial or Presidential General
Staff has been implicated in numerous abuses including
the assault, harassment and extrajudicial execution of
human rights defenders. Guatemalan President Alfonso
Portillo has repeatedly announced his intention to
abolish the EMP, yet failed to keep his own deadlines
for its abolition.

Watch the flash movie, send it to your friends, and
help stop the death squads in Guatemala!

To watch the movie, click on this link or paste it
into your Web browser:

Thank you for your interest in supporting Amnesty
International and the work we do.


Rosa Del Angel
Human Rights Action Center
Amnesty International USA

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