Ars Electronica 2003 - 5th Announcement: Performances

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> From: Ars Electronica Center <[email protected]>
> Date: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:30:44 AM US/Eastern
> Subject: Ars Electronica 2003 - 5th Announcement: Performances
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> CODE - The Language of Our Time
> Code=Law, Code=Art, Code=Life
> Ars Electronica 2003
> September 6-11
> Linz, Austria
> <
> You are reading the fifth issue of the Ars Electronica 2003
> newsletter, providing information about the program of exhibitions at
> this year's festival, CODE - The Language of Our Time.
> Ars Electronica 2003 - 5th Announcement: Performances
> 1. Messa die Voce
> A totally novel and innovative concert experience will be offered by
> "Messa di Voce." Two extraordinary vocal artists, Jaap Blonk and Joan
> La Barbara, will be playing an instrument that transforms every sound
> they make into 3-D objects that are then projected into the stage
> space, where they retain their form while floating above, beside and
> around the vocalists. Furthermore, the objects are interactive; this
> means, for instance, that the artists can shift or compress them,
> which, in turn, modifies the sound each represents. This interplay of
> vocal artistry and 3-D visualization gives rise to new expressive
> possibilities during the course of a highly interesting and
> entertaining evening offering a preview of the future of live
> performance.
> 2. Principles of Indeterminism
> One of the absolute highlights of this year's Ars Electronica will be
> "Principles of Indeterminism," a musical performance staged in and
> around the Brucknerhaus and accompanied by impressive visualizations
> including large-scale projections on the facade of the adjacent
> Arcotel. This will be a musical feast for the senses and, at the same
> time, a musical journey through time from traditional forms of
> composition to digital live performance. In this ensemble extravaganza
> featuring the Bruckner Orchestra, digital music and dramatic
> visualizations, the greats of minimal music, electronic music and
> media art including Dennis Russel Davis, Rupert Huber, Lia and Ryoji
> Ikeda will get together to perform works by Steve Reich, Edgar Varese,
> Iannis Xenakis and Marco Stroppa. This evening of epic dimensions is
> based upon the artistic credo of Iannis Xenakis, who remained
> committed throughout his career to an interdisciplinary and
> multimedial approach to art.
> 3. POL - Mechatronic Performance
> In "POL - Mechatronic Performance," we encounter a classic fable. POL,
> a toothless rabbit, careens through this piece driven by the Forces of
> Darkness that are attempting to get him to renounce his beloved
> Princepollu. Each time he successfully completes an assigned task, he
> gets back one tooth, and thus recovers his lost potency step by step.
> This fable is brought to the screen via two exoskeletons, and its plot
> driven with the support of five robots; random elements are strewn
> into the mix, plot twists and turns are invented and freely adapted
> depending on spontaneous control mechanisms.
> 4. Additional Features
> As part of a full program of musical events, ARS ELECTRONICA will
> present Digital Musics in Concert featuring this year's winners in the
> Prix ARS ELECTRONICA's Digital Musics category performing live on
> stage at the Brucknerhaus, as well as a 96-hour real-time soundtrack
> composed by the generative tonal algorithms of KOAN music software and
> propagated in the OMV Klangpark. Another concert highlight: DJ Spooky
> - That Subliminal Kid with "Errata Erratum," a remix of Marcel
> Duchamp's "Errata Musicale" dating from 1913 and the 1957 speech "The
> Creative Act." MARX provides a synthesis of language and electronic
> sounds; musical theater as a work-in-progress played out at an unusual
> venue.
> The detailed Ars Electronica 2003 festival program is online now at
> The website is providing regular and detailed updates
> on the festival theme, program details, news and background features
> as well as information about artists, speakers and performances until
> the festival in September.
> Ars Electronica 2003
> Organization:
> Ars Electronica Center Linz and ORF - Austrian Broadcasting
> Corporation, Upper Austria Regional Studio
> Co-organizers: Brucknerhaus Linz, O.K - Center for Contemporary Art
> Concept & Artistic Direction: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schoepf
> Curatorial Staff: Christiane Paul, Casey Reas, Iris Mayr, Ingrid
> Fischer-Schreiber
> Contact:
> Ars Electronica Center
> Hauptstrasse 2
> 4040 Linz, Austria
> [email protected]
> Sponsors of Ars Electronica 2003:
> SAP AG, Gericom, Telekom Austria, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Quelle
> AG, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Oesterreichische Brauunion,
> voestalpine, FESTO, Sony DADC, Siemens AG, Austrian Airlines,
> Lufthansa, Spring, Opel Guenther
> Sponsors of Prix Ars Electronica 2003:
> The Prix Ars Electronica 2003 is sponsored by Telekom Austria and
> supported by BAWAG/P.S.K. Group, voestalpine, SONY DADC, Gericom, the
> City of Linz and the Province of Upper Austria.
> Additional support provided by Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Casinos
> Austria, Poestlingberg Schloessl, Oesterreichischer Kulturservice
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