Artists in Residence / ap /

DRU {10} / 20.08.03 /
Residency Programme / fm01 / May - Oct 2003 /
Current Artists in Residence, 'ap' [Martin Howse
and Jonathan Kemp] are developing a new project,
titled 'fm01'.

fm01 transposes non-metaphoric systems and
grammar theory [of computer languages, abstraction
and data containers] to the realm of expanded
cinema. A relational, nodal language of connection
will be formulated to descend through levels of
scene, shot and frame [stored and to be shot].
Visual and syntactical analysis software will form
a large part of the fm01 engine.
Martin Howse / ap /
Artist, programmer, theorist and film-maker.
Born United Kingdom 1969. Founded ap [artificial
paradises] in 1998 to produce and explore
performative and distributed artistic software
investigating issues of physical data manifestation
and generation within a free software context.
Martin Howse has performed and collaborated
worldwide using custom software and hardware
modules for data/code processing and generation.
He currently also writes regularly for
Linux/free software publications and has partipated
in related conferences and workshops.
Jonathan Kemp / ap /
Born UK 1962. Educated in Philosophy, Jonathan Kemp
has organised and collaborated across various
fields in art, design, and science, exhibited in
various shows and performances in UK, USA, and
Europe [video, performance, speculative design,
data processing, copyleft], and has participated
in open source and sci-art based residencies
[Germany and Spain]. Since 2001, he has been a
collaborator with Martin Howse on various ap
+ ap will perform live during Ultrasound 2003
The Digital Research Unit {DRU} is a research and
production facility based at The Media Centre,

Contact: [email protected]