Fwd: Infinite NetWorks by Wolf Kahlen

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Ruine der Kuenste Berlin" <[email protected]>
> Date: Thu Aug 14, 2003 3:25:27 AM US/Eastern
> To: "Kunsthalle Palazzo Liestal/Basel," <[email protected]>
> Subject: Infinite NetWorks by Wolf Kahlen
> 1 Want to see artist Wolf Kahlen dissolving pixel by pixel in the net?
> #2 Want to hear the European Anthem dissolving and/or configurating
> anew
> according to your moods, as it happens in politics as well?
> #3 Want to listen to world classics in six languages or misuse the
> very same
> words?
> Net artist WOLF KAHLEN is dissolving pixel by pixel, user by user in
> the
> net. On a first page. On the second you see and hear your personal
> pixel,
> the one, you activated to disappear, solely on the empty page. And on
> the
> third page you see all the 'lost' pixels arriving back and shaping a
> new
> WOLF KAHLEN. Look, hear and have the triptych printed out, signed and
> numbered, the way you, only you see the process taking shape, nobody
> else
> has seen this moment of the RITUAL DEATH.
> An exiting piece and a very conceptual one, media concerned and at the
> same
> time sensual.
> The RUINE DER KUENSTE BERLIN presents it to collectors as a present,
> which
> WOLF KAHLEN gave them at his 60th birthday in 2000. The URL for the
> piece,
> which is infinetely working since, is www.wolf-kahlen.de
> More about us: www.snafu.de/~ruine-kuenste.berlin
> NetSoundArt for Tibetans, Chinese and Japanese:
> A threefold internet art piece by Wolf Kahlen in Tibetan, Chinese and
> Japanese language is online.
> Live and interactive the visitor of the page
> www.tu-berlin.de/~arch_net_art/
> !On Netscape less than 6.0 only!
> may hear a piece of world literature of these countries, the first
> page at
> least. If he is patient enough to find out on a blank page, with the
> mouse
> in motion, the sound of the words hidden in the background like on a
> book
> page. This automatically turns out to be a game, since any move of the
> mouse
> touches another word. Until the underlying structure has been found
> out, a
> number of audio events have happened, words' sounds have overlapped or
> entangled at random. Who stirs with the mouse produces a concert like
> a DJ.
> The presented world's classics are by Tibet's greatest poet Milarepa
> (11./12. Century), the Chinese Tang-Dynasty poet Li Bo (6.- 9.
> Century) or
> the alphabet-poem attributed to Kukai of Japan. It is of political
> delicacy
> that Wolf Kahlen, who did a number of documentaries in Tibet and
> Mongolia
> since 1985, parallels Tibet with China.
> Possibly the first Tibetan language internet site to listen to,
> probably
> frequented joyfully by the world spread Tibetans and the few with
> access in
> Lhasa and other parts of the Snowland. Who has entered the site either
> reads
> Tibatan, Chinese or Japanese or has been attracted by the curious
> writings,
> since all three titles are of course in original characters. Another
> way to
> support the cultures in their differences. The hearing experience of
> the
> pieces, roughly translated as
> Sorry, Milarepa / Excuse me, Kukai / I beg your pardon, Li Bo,
> spans the whole spectrum between playful chaotic sounds, own word
> combinations and listening to a fluently spoken classical piece: all
> democratic ways of using words. Words as material per se. And since
> these
> words bump into each other in most cases other than as a structered
> classical piece, Wolf Kahlen asks the authors for excuse in the titles
> already beforehand. As a side effect the net is swept blank off the
> overload
> of images. And the sound of the 'bush drums' is heard again.
> These three pieces continue the former realized three ones in English,
> German and Spanish language
> Sorry, Mister Joyce / Verzeihung, Herr von Goethe / Perdone, Don
> Cervantes
> on www.tu-berlin.de/~arch_net_art/1.html
> More pieces in a great number of world languages are under
> construction.
> They kind of point out on the polarisation of the numb and speechless
> making
> psycho esthetic feedbacks of the net 'culture'. The texts are usually
> read
> by native artists.
> Li Bo read by Zhao Zhao
> Kukai by Masuko Iso,
> Milarepa by Tsewang Norbu,
> Goethe by Wolf Kahlen,
> Joyce by David Allen,
> Cervantes by Argine Erginas.
> Stay tuned.
> Edition Ruine der Kuenste Berlin
> http://home.snafu.de/ruine-kuenste.berlin
> [email protected]
> Contact Wolf Kahlen
> [email protected]
> #2 Wolf Kahlen
> www.wolf-kahlen.net/europa
> Needed Flash Player 5 and up
> New Europe has a New Anthem. Of course. Beethoven's Ode to Joy in
> parts. The
> building of Europe is a work in progress. So is her anthem, Wolf Kahlen
> makes us aware in his recent Net.Sound.Piece EUROPA-ON THE FLY.
> By your click, you are interfering into the process, actively
> coconstructing
> the fragile multilingual unity of Europe, and deconstructing at the
> same
> time. You hear the result of your click at instant, as the anthem
> looses and
> gains pieces of the melody, on the fly. As countries join in in
> harmony or
> articulate new influences, others may drop out or raise their voice in
> disharmony, the score of the anthem is coming and going by your
> activity.
> Going, falling into pieces in Part One, when the melody opens up holes,
> silencies, rather Cagean like, coming, when she assembles the lost
> notes of
> Part One to shape a new sound in Part Two, rather Schoenberg like. You
> shall
> see nothing, as politics may change behind your back, but listen and be
> aware, it is your music you hear. And just by chance, which does not
> exist,
> as Kahlen believes. Any user hears two unique anthem variations,
> nobody ever
> will hear the same again for the next 35o years. Join the grand
> European
> work this way, on the fly.
> On the artist, to him and more of him
> On www.snafu.de/~ruine-kuenste.berlin/future.htm
> www.wolf-kahlen.net/museum
> Email [email protected]
> More Net.art www.wolf-kahlen.de
> www.tu-berlin.de/~arch_net_art
> www.kahlen-berlin.de/enlightenment1.htm
> www.kahlen-berlin.de/enlight2