Paris -- ICHIM 03

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ichim 03 Ecole du Louvre <[email protected]>
> Date: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:53:57 AM US/Eastern
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: Paris – ICHIM 03 – September / [[email protected]]
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Le Louvre, Aug. 8th, 2003
> To : [email protected]
> As we approach the end of Summer, you still have time
> to take the most exciting and educational trip of the
> season…
> Come to ICHIM 03, the international conference for
> Cultural Institutions and Digital Technology, which
> will take place September 8-12, 2003, at Le Louvre in
> Paris, France!
> You can afford it: Air France is offering discounts
> on already low airfares to all ICHIM registrants.
> Housing for the entire week is available at the lovely
> Cite internationale, located just a few bus/metro stops
> away from Le Louvre, starting at 170 euros per person,
> all inclusive.
> Check out the ICHIM 03 website <>. You will
> find details about the conference schedule and our
> preliminary workshops, featuring "The Wireless
> Museum", a free workshop offered by Antenna Audio.
> Paris and ICHIM 03 await you this September!
> ____________________________________________
> les Institutions Culturelles et le Numerique
> Cultural institutions and Digital Technology
> I C H I M 0 3 L O U V R E
> <>
> Paris, Ecole du Louvre, 8 - 12 Sept 03
> <[email protected]>
> ____________________________________________