Fwd: The BetaSpace Galleries

— ethan@www.betaspace.org wrote:
> Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 21:36:06 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: The BetaSpace Galleries
> From: <ethan@www.betaspace.org>
> To: [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected],
> [email protected], [email protected]
> Hey there everyone!!!
> Its time for BetaSpace have another gallery opening.
> As previous artists in our past exhibit you are
> recieveing a special invitation to vote on your
> favorite works. You see some of our galleries are
> filled by popular vote, so we need your
> participation.
> However that's not all. We are doing things a bit
> differently this time. Normally you have to register
> to vote (even in real life too) but this time we are
> doing mob rules. Thats right anyone can show up and
> vote on this poll only. And you can vote as many
> times
> as you like. So if you want to vote a hundred times,
> please go ahead.
> We are only sending this to our past artists so
> things
> don't get out of control. That's not to say you
> might
> not tell your friends - but how are we to know??
> Okay get out there and vote, polls close on saturday
> night.
> here is a direct link to this round of entries:
> http://www.betaspace.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid7&perpage&pagenumber=1

> Cheers
> The BetaSpace Team

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