Eigenradio and related

Checked out http://eigenradio.media.mit.edu today.

From the site:

"Eigenradio makes its optimal music by analyzing in real time dozens of
radio stations at once. When our bank of computers has heard enough music,
it will go to work on making more just like it. Since we listen to so much
music all the time, Eigenradio is always on and always live. What you hear
on Eigenradio is the best of the New Music, distilled and de-correlated. One
song on Eigenradio is worth at least twenty songs on old radio."

I listened to it for about a half hour.

It seems the concept is more interesting than the sound. It doesn't do
exciting things with the audio itself.

But then neither does most radio music, which is why the concept, at least,
of the piece is compelling.

A toss-up between http://eigenradio.media.mit.edu and a lot of stations.

Destruction is sometimes part of a regenerative process.

The visuals and text and concept of the piece are quite well done. The
audio, well, it's a burnt out shell of music, equalized so that the bottom
end has dropped out.

Tune in for the Job experience amid the ruins and ashes.

Add it to your Winamp playlist as a URL:
http://eigenradio.media.mit.edu:8000 . And when you get tired of your tunes,
play it occassionally.

It's kind of cool that one can add URLs to the Winamp playlist. So you end
up with a playlist drawn from not only your hard drive but from all over the
