conceptual art making a comeback


did anyone see the hilarious bit last night on the Daily Show (USA
cable network show
where their 'correspondent' Stephen Colbert reviewed the redacted
congressional report on 9/11 as if it was conceptual art?

it was funny.

can't find a transcript or video online however. my apologies
(grumble, lousy *old* media, grumble, grumble..)

At 5:48 -0700 7/29/03, Mark River wrote:
>On a bright note for the genre, the Pentagon seems to
>have jumped into the net art game…
>"The Pentagon office that proposed spying
>electronically on Americans to monitor potential
>terrorists has a new experiment. It is an online
>futures trading market, disclosed today by critics, in
>which anonymous speculators would bet on forecasting
>terrorist attacks, assassinations and coups."
