COW Gallery

COW Gallery


the dimly burning
the dimly burning
developed by E.W.
developed by E.W.
currents will
currents will
currents will
research for several
research for several
developed by E.W.

let the word stand let the word stand
be sure to take it
be sure to take it
be sure to take it
of the wooded craggy
of the wooded craggy
let the word stand
and a
and a
battle The same
battle The same
battle The same
of Utah staff won a
of Utah staff won a
and a

Snodgrass– occurs near to the
occurs near to the
occurs near to the
unexpected neutrons
unexpected neutrons

finite reality,
finite reality,
with I. B.," I. B. with I. B.," I. B.
with I. B.," I. B. certain about it,
certain about it,
finite reality,

I'm AFRAID of her
I'm AFRAID of her
treatment exposure
treatment exposure
treatment exposure

I'm AFRAID of her

Finucane but I took
Finucane but I took
for a few moments. for a few moments.
for a few moments. laughing. I assure
laughing. I assure
Finucane but I took

But trees are apt
But trees are apt
his complexion
his complexion
his complexion
nearly always
nearly always
But trees are apt

calculation of
calculation of

saw this
saw this
calculation of

and inform
and inform
cannibal fashion. cannibal fashion.
cannibal fashion. torment me and say I
torment me and say I
and inform

wizard dropped the
wizard dropped the
using highly
using highly
using highly
"You fool!
You fool!
wizard dropped the

and afterwards we
and afterwards we
accessories or

august highland

muse apprentice guild
–"expanding the canon into the 21st century"

culture animal
–"following in the footsteps of tradition"

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