ICONography call for works - distribute widely.

Call for works/essays


Critiquing the Icon

Curated by Patrick Lichty

Hosted by Turbulence.org

Deadline: September 15th, 2003

Opening October 1st, 2003

The lowly icon is one of the fundamental building blocks of any graphically=
-oriented computer operating system. They act as signifiers for the most ba=
sic operating functions and structures as well as mnemonics for programs on=
the metaphorical 'desktop'. However, one can only begin to consider how s=
ymbolic grammars such as those used in computer systems reveal the inner wo=
rkings of the digital environment, its biases, or its historical referents,=
both technological and cultural. ICONOGRAPHY calls to artists to consider=
the icon as a fundamental element of visual grammar on the screen, and alm=
ost as essential to the cultural syntax of the computer as the alphanumeric=
character. Can icons be part of the ongoing dialogue on technological art=
forms, or are they merely visual devices? It is hoped through seeking a c=
ritical engagement with the icon, new questions can be asked about its form=
, function, and location within the culture of computers.


ICONography will focus on the subject of the 32x32 icon, although others su=
ch as smaller formats like file folder markers, etc. will be considered. =
Any icon-based work that meets the format constraints is eligible. Interac=
tive and time-based artworks are encouraged as well, but may be used in sin=
gle-frame format if physical exhibitions are realized (under discussion). =
If you have any questions regarding the nature of your work, please note th=
e Submission Guidelines, then contact the curator.


The ICONography exhibition is calling to the arts and academic community fo=
r critical works that address issues related to the use of icons in the com=
puter environment. What are the parallels with historical or even paleolit=
hic forms, religious iconography, pictographic languages, hidden agendas in=
iconic subjects, or ontologies of graphic systems such as the paradigms pr=
esented by the Macintosh and Windows operating systems by their use of icon=
s? ICONography seeks to ponder these questions as the artists push the bou=
ndaries of the genre. Over 1000 words preferred; images are also encourage=
d, and text format in plain text, MS Word, or Word Perfect 9 or less. Expe=
rimental formats are also acceptable, but representation is by curator's di=


All images will be limited to a size of 32x32 pixels, any bit depth is acce=
ptable. Preference will be given to bitmap-oriented work (GIF/JPG, ICO),=
although other formats will be considered. Interactivity, etc is also enc=
ouraged, as long as the curator can relocate and embed the works into pop-u=
p windows that will open in the exhibition layout.

There is no maximum for number of icons submitted, but it is asked that art=
ists view their submissions discriminately. A brief description of the imag=
e(s) of up to 75 words and a short biography of up to 50 words maximum is a=
lso requested. Please email all submissions to [email protected] by no later th=
an Sept. 15th , 2003, Midnight US CST. No entry fees are required.


Artists agree to allow exhibition of images on exhibition website, promotio=
nal materials, and on print media (prints/catalogues) for possible gallery =
venues (under negotiation). ICONography is a non-profit exhibition for the=
heightening of the awareness of new media genres, sponsored by Patrick Lic=
hty and hosted by Turbulence.org. No transfer of ownership or rights excep=
t solely for those related to the purposes of promoting the exhibition is i=

A catalogue of the exhibition is planned for December 2003. Artists will b=
e able to buy the publication at production cost.

Contact Information:

Patrick Lichty

Voyd.com/Intelligent Agent

355 Seyburn Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70808


(Phone number upon request)

[email protected]