re: browser wars and javascript question from GH

relevant to our recent discussion about OS vendors 'integrating'
browsers into their OS:

Embedding Mozilla in Mac OS X Cocoa Apps

is it possible to embed Gecko or Mozilla in an app on Windows?

also, re: GH's question about a chrome-less browser:

on Windows you can run in IE in kiosk mode which goes full-screen
with no windows chrome at all (not even the min, close buttons).

on the command line use: iexplore.exe -k

not sure if you can run command line stuff from a web browser but
seeing how that would be a major security risk i doubt it (but then
again, we are talking about microsoft afterall)

a coworker informed me that you can do something like this:'fullscreen.html','TVTonic','fullscreen=yes',true);

on Mac OSX you might be able to make your own:

I've been considering creating a 'gallery browser' as a project to
learn Mac OSX programming. it would go into full screen with no
buttons or widgets or chrome and would leave full screen only using
special user configurable key combo. the user could also limit the
domains that the browser could visit and be able to set a
configurable error page to gently tell visitors that are not allowed
to browse beyond the exhibition.

do you think anyone would be interested in a such a thing?



, Jim Andrews

There are some downloadable templates for going fullscreen, no browser chrome, at ("Fullscreen Templates"). This is independent of kiosk

They're a bit old though. During the dev of the template, the Mac browsers would not go
fullscreen; Reiner Strasser handled the Mac part of the script. I'm under the impression that
some Mac browsers will now go fullscreen; but the templates haven't been updated. If you update
them for the Mac, T.whid, that would be great.

IE for the PC will go fullscreen, no browser chrome. Using the method you described, T.whid, is
important but on the PC, at any rate, you end up with a vertical scrollbar on the right of the
screen. In order to get rid of that last little bit of chrome, you need to use the method in the
template, which involves the simple use of frames. Kiosk mode may not require this, not sure; I
haven't played with kiosk mode.

Netscape for the PC will not go fullscreen-no-browser-chrome; it insists on a bit of chrome on
the top of the window. The template will make it go as near-fullscreen as Netscape will allow,
however, for the PC. Not quite sure of the behavior on the Mac.

There's info on kiosk mode for IE at;en-us;154780
