Deadline list for July/August 2003

Deadline list for July/August 2003

1. JavaMuseum - Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art

a) extended deadline 1 September 2003
*Perspectives'03* - Call for entries

b) extended deadline : 1 September 2003
*"Feature" Netart from German Speaking countries""
Call for submissions - in German

c) deadline 30 September 2003
*"Feature: Netart from Great Britain and Ireland"

2. Cinematheque
MediaCentre at Musee di-visioniste
show casing streaming media

deadline 30 September 2003
Slowtime?……… Call for proposals

3. Violence Online Festival

deadline ongoing
call for proposals

1. JavaMuseum
2003 competition and show case - call for submissions

JavaMuseum organises this event online and offline in cooperation with
Computer Space Festival Sofia/Bulgaria and Goethe Institute - Internationes
Sofia/Bulgaria. October 2003

"Perspectives'03" will focus on the net based art production
2002/2003. The competition is open for all
thematical and technological aspects which net based art allows.

All artists who are working net based are invited to submit
up to three works completed after 1 January 2002.
Only URLs may be submitted to the competition,
the finalists will be invited to send their works also
as digital files for an eventual offline display.

Please use this form for submitting:

1. firstname/name of artist, email, URL
2. a brief bio/CV (not more than 300 words)
3. title and URL of the max 3 projects/works,
4. a short work description for each work (not more than 300 words),
5. a screen shot for each submitted work (max 800x600 pixels, .jpg)

Please send the completely filled out form to
[email protected]
or go to JavaMuseum site

extended Deadline 1 September 2003
*Feature: Netart from German speaking countries*

This feature will be presented on JavaMuseum site as well, as on Computer
Festival Sofia by Goethe Institute -Internationes Sofia.
As all online features, also this one will remain for permanent on
JavaMuseum site.

All artists working netbased who are born in Germany, Switzerland or Austria
or have their residency in one of these countries
are invited to submit up to three netbased works.

For more details and the entry form visit

extended Deadline 1 September 2003


c)* Feature: Netart from Great Britain and Ireland*
planned to be published online in December 2003

All artists working netbased who are born or have their residency in Great
Britain or Ireland are invited to submit up to three netbased art works.

Find the call, including all details and entry form on the startpage of

Deadline 30 September 2003
2. Cinematheque at MediaCentre

is looking for proposals for the online show
Quicktime (.mov) as an artistic medium"
to be launched in November 2003.

Cinematheque invites artists who use Quicktime for their artistic purposes -
in which way ever - to submit up to two (2) works in Quicktime (.mov)

Please find the call, including all details and entry form on

Deadline 30 September 2003
Award winning
Violence Online Festival
New Media art project in form of an online festival
is looking for new artworks reflecting the phenomenon of violence in all its
Until now more than 270 artist from 40 countries are participating and offer
a fascinating view on how violence is perceived artistically.

The call for entries, including all details and entry form
can be found on Violence Online Festival site

Deadline ongoing.
Approved entries will be included always in the next following project
version which will go online on occasion of the participation in a virtual
or physical event.

Next coming version 7.3 will be published on 7 August,
version 8.0 will go online on 14 August.

The call, including all details and entry form can be found
on Violence Online Festival site

Deadline ongoing.
NewMediaArtProjectNetwork -
experimental platform for netbased art -
founded by Agricola de Cologne

includes the corporate member sites

For information and inquiries use
[email protected]