
Sip in, with muster, signals;

glaciations within your dowry

so that I may sweat with a bad belly
and breasts, signature of cancer:

the scorpio toll that wages
in gestures almost scars pours
through those pinhole glimpses
of somewhere very bright where
behind the sky we kiss again,

lay down

with the accomplishment of shadows
is skill, oh baby what kills me

in your cute is the usual gradations,
the stuff that fumbles me when
reaching out through your utter trust
I grab everything that isn't mine,

break it down into my component
fantasy, smother me in shit up
and take notice of you, burning up
every room you smooth with thoughts
about sand and its noise in my throat;

you're talking to the uninitiated, baby,
syntax like a last cigarette in a pack of
clouds, in my mouth, tan

and dead with motors; do
you see now what starving?


NEW!!!–Dirty Milk–reactive poem for microphone

tubulence artist studio:

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