From Matt Locke's blog - -- An interview with artist Lucy Kimbell

From Matt Locke's blog - – An interview with artist
Lucy Kimbell about Audit (

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Lucy Kimbell - Audit

This is the second in the series of three interviews I did for a recent
essay . In this one, Lucy Kimbell talks about her project Audit:

"Audit is the result of conducting a personal poll in which Lucy
Kimbell asks - "What am I worth?" Combining techniques from business
analysis and other disciplines, this book uses material gathered from a
specially constructed questionnaire to measure a broad range of values
about the artist."
[from the publisher Bookworks website ]

Matt Locke: Are there any questions about yourself you refrained from
including in Audit? If so, what were they, and why?

Lucy Kimbell: Yes, loads, things that I wanted to keep inside my
public-private boundary mostly for reasons of fear - not wanting to
expose myself.