Lexical Segmentation Modeling #0001 - #0003

Lexical Segmentation Modeling #0001

all the inside is
all the inside is
my beloved. As I
gayly; "we still
gayly; "we still
my beloved. As I
my beloved. As I
all the inside is
Was this the

said he,
said he,
said he,
offend nor

She found him busy
She found him busy
said the right word
Grace Carden's
Grace Carden's
sunshine over the
said the right word
said the right word
She found him busy

writing letters, and
writing letters, and
weaver-that, as was made
stuff, and the women
stuff, and the women
weaver-that, as was made
weaver-that, as was made
writing letters, and
near Bertha's home.

one of these was
one of these was
let Jack Dale have
humored smile of
humored smile of
surprised if you are
let Jack Dale have
let Jack Dale have
one of these was
postillion, when

addressed to
addressed to
herself had sex
herself had sex
her. Show some pity
addressed to
mourned for the lost

"Fight, my brave boy!
"Fight, my brave boy!

every now and then
every now and then
buff with a brown

"Fight, my brave boy!
of the brook.

fight, my youthful
fight, my youthful
And he told her, in
anxiety. "He'll come
anxiety. "He'll come
in black, I wish I
And he told her, in
And he told her, in
fight, my youthful

Lexical Segmentation Modeling #0002

this is my first
to make out their
to make out their
blow. Grace
this is my first
this is my first
felt quite

"How old are you?"
"How old are you?"
her theorems,
over to put on her
over to put on her
One afternoon they
her theorems,
her theorems,
"How old are you?"
all the pleasure

she asked, raising
she asked, raising

me, I will stay and
me, I will stay and
my property, I came,

she asked, raising
It was time for

her parasol, and
her parasol, and
and so learned that

know what you
and so learned that
and so learned that
her parasol, and
He then asked

throwing back
throwing back
I was left
great and good. Oh!
great and good. Oh!
safe from poison,
I was left
I was left
throwing back
like a man speaking

in the industry
in the industry
thimble-engro, he

solid, and several

his surprise,
his surprise,
received the next
received the next
related to him, one
his surprise,
you had better mind

thanked him warmly.
thanked him warmly.
of a video for Sex
gone off -typed welcomed with an
gone off -typed welcomed with an
the dangers of
of a video for Sex
of a video for Sex
thanked him warmly.
about her errant

"She will be mine in
"She will be mine in
descend, I think; at
"You haven't
"You haven't
they were
descend, I think; at
descend, I think; at
"She will be mine in
send for the parson.

two years,"
two years,"
could have taken as
not let him, and his
not let him, and his
words, and she was
could have taken as
could have taken as
two years,"
while the windows

of the Academy. He
of the Academy. He
very much, as each
telling him how it
telling him how it
away, but she -you," said I; "this
very much, as each
very much, as each
of the Academy. He
There was Indaba-

at last felt
at last felt
diversion at all, at
more practical than
more practical than
stamps now. The
diversion at all, at
diversion at all, at
at last felt
both -was confessedly the

satisfied that it
satisfied that it
heroes of the road,
kissed Eve fully on
kissed Eve fully on
shots; but still
heroes of the road,
heroes of the road,
satisfied that it
by a peasant's

was envy of his own
was envy of his own
will be months,
boiled, especially
boiled, especially
"Why, yes, I could;
will be months,
will be months,
was envy of his own
Some of them would

Lexical Segmentation Modeling #0003

more sexual
more sexual
having made her so
having made her so
having made her so
more sexual
directly she

intercourse than the
intercourse than the
"She will be mine in
grinder's place he
grinder's place he

"She will be mine in
"She will be mine in
intercourse than the
caitiff put

While I was
While I was

words were true.
While I was
at me, as they

reflecting on the
reflecting on the
Paradise to
irritated him with -duplicity than Bolt
irritated him with -duplicity than Bolt
with the many by way
Paradise to
Paradise to
reflecting on the
languidly musical

a burglar, and shoot
was not an
was not an
girls has got some
a burglar, and shoot
a burglar, and shoot
mother picked up the

strange story, and
strange story, and
round a turn in the
see that
see that
"begone, or - "
round a turn in the
round a turn in the
strange story, and
as if to pump the

doing was making
doing was making
and dwarfs in all
poisoning of our
poisoning of our
he strutted up the
and dwarfs in all
and dwarfs in all
doing was making
with the Knowledge

Null a prostitute
Null a prostitute
dullish and
said Raby; "you've
said Raby; "you've
Dr. Amboyne went
dullish and
dullish and
Null a prostitute
could have taken as

against her will or
against her will or
that of a hedgehog."
She wrote a long and
She wrote a long and
all; until I
that of a hedgehog."
that of a hedgehog."
against her will or
the Nameless, or

if, indeed,
if, indeed,
cry in loud
ugly, dirty dogs.
ugly, dirty dogs.
of disemboweled cars
cry in loud
cry in loud
if, indeed,
airs must be played,

august highland

muse apprentice guild
–"expanding the canon into the 21st century"

culture animal
–"following in the footsteps of tradition"

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