Morales's City Rooms - Censored

From Power Vacuum by Kim Levin in the voice

"..the real-life story of the Venezuelan Pavilion,
which was locked shut by that country's officials.
Javier Tellez was originally selected to represent
Venezuela, but his project, deemed too political, was
cancelled. Pedro Morales was selected to replace him,
but sections of Morales's interactive digital
allegory, City Rooms, also proved unacceptable to
government officials. Says Morales, 'In Venezuela,
nobody tolerates anything now. If you don't agree, you
are treated as an enemy. I said no, I am not going to
negotiate even a pixel.' So the locked-out artist put
his piece onto the Internet instead, where nobody can
censor it. Then he wrapped the locked Venezuelan
Pavilion in a rio de banderas, a river of Venezuelan
flags sewn together by a group of women art activists
and given to him as a gesture of support. 'A beautiful
act from the people of Venezuela," he remarks.
Speaking of dictatorship, it's hard to top the real


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