Fwd: Ars Electronica 2003 - 2nd Announcement

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ars Electronica Center <[email protected]>
> Date: Wed Jul 2, 2003 11:49:30 AM US/Eastern
> Subject: Ars Electronica 2003 - 2nd Announcement
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> CODE - The Language of Our Time
> Code=Law, Code=Art, Code=Life
> Ars Electronica 2003
> September 6-11
> Linz, Austria
> www.aec.at/code
> —————————–
> Ars Electronica 2003 - 2nd Announcement
> ………………………..
> 1. Ars Electronica 2003 - Program online
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> 2. CODE Symposium
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> 3. Exhibitions
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> 4. Events, Concerts & Performances
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> 5. Electrolobby
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> 6. Prix Ars Electronica
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> 7. CODE Campus
> ………………………..
> ………………………..
> You are reading the second issue of the Ars Electronica 2003
> newsletter, giving you an overview of this years program.
> ………………………..
> 1. Ars Electronica 2003 - Program online
> ………………………..
> The detailed Ars Electronica 2003 festival program is online now:
> www.aec.at/code
> The website www.aec.at/code is providing regular and detailed updates
> on the festival theme, program details, news and background features
> as well as information about artists, speakers and performances until
> the festival in September.
> ………………………..
> 2. CODE Symposium
> ………………………..
> The several panels of CODE Symposium being presented September 7-11
> will provide detailed discussions on varied aspects of the festival
> theme CODE - The Language of Our Time.
> The first two days are dedicated to the rather theoretical
> considerations, in the following panels the presentation of artistic
> ideas and projects moves to the top of the agenda. Protagonists of a
> software-based mode of artistic practice present their work and
> discuss how they utilize and deal with software.
> Key topics will include the role of industry standards, the emergence
> of artistic trends as a consequence of program features, efforts to
> achieve artistic autonomy, and the aesthetics of codes.
> Participants of the Ars Electronica 2003 CODE symposia include:
> scientist Peter J. Bentley, Marc Canter, founder of Macromedia, author
> Scott DeLahunta, German media theoretician Friedrich Kittler, Roman
> Verostko, famous for his 'epigenetic art' concept, John Warnock,
> co-founder of Adobe Systems, New York based gallery founder Steve
> Sacks, Pierre Levy, influential theoretician of cyberculture, artists
> John Maeda, Golan Levin, Casey Reas et al.
> ………………………..
> 3. Exhibitions
> ………………………..
> Ars Electronica presents several exhibitions as a forum for the
> artistic perspective on the festival theme.
> The CODE Exhibition in the Brucknerhaus shows works of international
> artists whose concepts focus on code and utilize software as a medium
> of the artistic production.
> Ars Electronica Center Exhibition presents new projects and
> installations in the museum and in the surrounding Ars Electronica
> Quarter. From the new flying machine, animations for the elevator of
> the museum to projects which provoke the visitors's interaction with
> the installation.
> The O.K Centrum fur Gegenwartskunst is again the scene for Cyberarts
> 2003, the exhibition of the winning projects in the category
> 'Interactive Art' of this year's Prix Ars Electronica.
> ………………………..
> 4. Events, Concerts & Performances
> ………………………..
> Concerts, Events, Performances around the festival thema 'CODE - The
> Language of Our Time'.
> At various scenes - the Ars Electronica Center, Brucknerhaus,
> Donaupark, ORF Oberosterreich, O.K Centrum fur Gegenwartskunst,
> Posthof and an industrial setting on the periphery of the city - the
> festival events will take place from September 6 til 11. The events
> range from the great concerts 'Principles of Indeterminism' and
> 'Digital Musics in Concert', audiovisual performances, the 96-hour
> soundtrack on the riverbank space of the Danube in the "OMV
> Klangpark," movie programs in the 'Movieline"and the "Electronic
> Theatre' to live broadcasted radio programs. A top-line part is the
> Prix Ars Electronica Gala with the presentation of the Golden Nica
> Awards 2003.
> ………………………..
> 5. Electrolobby
> ………………………..
> The electrolobby is not an exhibition space for projects; instead,
> it's a meeting place, a forum that takes up the question of the design
> and mediation of the transitory, process-oriented variants of digital
> art to be found behind the monitors, in the networks and between the
> program's lines of digital code. With the electrolobby Kitchen, this
> festival within a festival has created a discourse domain of its own
> in which the electrolobby artists put their positions and works up for
> discussion and turn a critical eye to what's been going on at the
> festival.
> ………………………..
> 6. Prix Ars Electronica
> ………………………..
> The Prix Ars Electronica is the platform on which cyberartists working
> in a wide range of fields all over the world get together each year.
> The presentation of the results in the form of exhibitions,
> discussions with the artists, performances, concerts and screenings
> presented in conjunction with the Ars Electronica Festival provides a
> highly concentrated overview of current positions in the cyberarts.
> ………………………..
> 7. CODE Campus - Media-Art-Education
> ………………………..
> The Department of Media & Art at the University of Art, Media and
> Design in Zurich defines itself as a laboratory and proving ground for
> the artistic use of analog and digital media. The results of a
> collaborative effort on the part of this Swiss academy and the
> University of Art in Linz are showcased in an exhibition focusing on
> the influence exerted by and the consequences of digitization in the
> arts. Works by undergraduates, 2003 master's degree projects, and work
> in progress from various fields of instruction and research will be on
> display. An exhibition that substantiates the exciting future of media
> art.
> ————————————————————–
> Ars Electronica 2003
> Organization:
> Ars Electronica Center Linz and ORF - Austrian Broadcasting
> Corporation, Upper Austrian Regional Studio
> Co-organizers: Brucknerhaus Linz, O.K - Center for Contemporary Art
> Concept & Artistic Direction:Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schopf
> Contact:
> Ars Electronica Center
> Hauptstrasse 2
> A-4040 Linz
> Austria
> [email protected]
> www.aec.at/code
> Sponsors of Ars Electronica 2003:
> SAP AG, Gericom, Telekom Austria
> Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Quelle AG, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft,
> Oesterreichische Brauunion, voestalpine, FESTO,
> Sony DADC, Siemens AG
> Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Spring, Opel Guenther
> Sponsors of Prix Ars Electronica 2003:
> The Prix Ars Electronica 2003 is sponsored by Telekom Austria and
> supported by BAWAG/P.S.K. Group, voestalpine, SONY DADC, Gericom, the
> City of Linz and the Province of Upper Austria.
> Additional support by Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, Casinos Austria,
> Poestlingberg Schloessl, Oesterreichischer Kulturservice
> ————————————————————–
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> ————————————————————–