Fwd: [oldboys] Post-PATRIOT Magnetic Motto Maker software

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Amy Alexander <[email protected]>
> Date: Sat Jul 5, 2003 5:36:18 PM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [oldboys] Post-PATRIOT Magnetic Motto Maker software
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Happy Post-4th-of-July!
> Deprogramming.us and Plagiarist.org are pleased to announce the
> release of
> The Post-PATRIOT Magnetic Motto Maker, a new web-filtering,
> motto-making,
> t-shirt-printing, magnet poetry software thingee.
> The PPMMM is now available for free download from:
> http://deprogramming.us/ppmmm/
> About the PPMMM…
> You've probably seen word magnet poetry, the craze that's sweeping
> refrigerators around the globe. But did you know that the US Government
> uses magnet poetry to assemble its stirring slogans? How else to
> explain
> such eloquence as the full name of the USA PATRIOT Act: "Uniting and
> Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
> Intercept
> and Obstruct Terrorism" ….
> But, as poetic as the name may be, it turns out the PATRIOT Act has
> got a
> few bugs. Perhaps there are some better alternatives. We think there's
> lots more people-rallying slogans out there just waiting to be
> unearthed.
> So we've decided to make magnet poetry motto-making technology
> available
> to the public. Now you can use the very same technique as the US
> Government to generate your own magnetically poetic battle cries… and
> maybe even replace USA PATRIOT with something for the public good!
> With the Post-PATRIOT Magnetic Motto Maker you can publish your slogans
> online, print stickers, flyers, business cards and address labels,
> make T-shirts… even export your slogans directly to Washington. So
> don't delay, download today!
> http://deprogramming.us/ppmmm/
> **
> deprogramming.us - post-dotcom software
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