#0001-#0004 next-gen nanopoetics.......excerpts

#0001-#0004 next-gen nanopoetics…….excerpts

mass; the whistling
mass; the whistling
went on, from day to
flowing over with
flowing over with
the back of the shop,
went on, from day to
went on, from day to
mass; the whistling
can be done by

of drovers, the
of drovers, the
of Gian Maria, not
mind the following
mind the following
song was done, and
of Gian Maria, not
of Gian Maria, not
of drovers, the
yer a cunning

barking dogs, the
barking dogs, the
raising from the
below our living
below our living
raising from the
raising from the
barking dogs, the
can infer that

bellowing and
bellowing and
scores of smaller
Afraid? Drake afraid.
Afraid? Drake afraid.
and split
scores of smaller
scores of smaller
bellowing and
foot violently on

wet around his dick.
wet around his dick.
not otherwise. He
December. To ensure
December. To ensure
up an end of his
not otherwise. He
not otherwise. He
wet around his dick.
hesitation, state

He pounded himself
He pounded himself
The master was a fat,
to satisfy all of
to satisfy all of
was captured?"
The master was a fat,
The master was a fat,
He pounded himself
beat down the

in and out of her
in and out of her
six times; he
-her so long,–
-her so long,–
glowing sunlight.
six times; he
six times; he
in and out of her

rations that can be
mind? Is it not true
mind? Is it not true
power of desperation,
rations that can be
rations that can be
unusual track across

#0002 atmospheric nanometrices

Murmurous chanting
Murmurous chanting
much as the
'Stand still a
'Stand still a
fell for five-and-
much as the
much as the
Murmurous chanting
him trial. Maybe he

it was at first,
it was at first,
her from me.
angry water,
angry water,
'I hear you,'
her from me.
her from me.
it was at first,
him. Do you hear

rhythmic and low;
rhythmic and low;
come from?'
he bethought
he bethought
asked, and in his
come from?'
come from?'
rhythmic and low;

ripples and
ripples and
cottage at some
was a silence.
was a silence.
percent of the
cottage at some
cottage at some
ripples and
studded as thickly

frontal view. The
frontal view. The
Storage and
dash-than mine in the
dash-than mine in the
pleaded. Though I am
Storage and
Storage and
frontal view. The
realized; and then

low neckline and
low neckline and
reaction on
reaction on
very, very difficult
low neckline and
looking-door with his

high hem left only
high hem left only
himself in the
your way down my -soldiers tried to
your way down my -soldiers tried to
forenoon; clear as a
himself in the
himself in the
high hem left only
to sell his

her most
her most
coiled and thrust
his chances
his chances
The book-stall
coiled and thrust
coiled and thrust
her most
should immediately

The Jew started.
The Jew started.
into the U.S.
another. I came
another. I came

into the U.S.
into the U.S.
The Jew started.
temples and palaces–

#0003 atmospheric nanometrices

This was the course
This was the course
cards. It being a
think that she
think that she
he had drunk, it
cards. It being a
cards. It being a
This was the course
then plunging deep

of thought which
of thought which
have been rid
are holes
are holes
comparatively clear
have been rid
have been rid
of thought which
tastes her and slips

occupied him for
occupied him for
been altogether
back had looked
back had looked
as he was full of
been altogether
been altogether
occupied him for
Beak's order, eh?

many hours,
many hours,
of prayers which

and he could but
of prayers which
of prayers which
many hours,

him for a sleeping-
him for a sleeping-
It at once reduced
insisted upon
insisted upon
criminal was seated
It at once reduced
It at once reduced
him for a sleeping-
that had occurred.

place; had taken off
place; had taken off
established religion.
'All,' replied the
established religion.
established religion.
place; had taken off
of the ordered, the

his sandals, and
his sandals, and
reflections that
first at dawn this
first at dawn this
forest of sledges.
reflections that
reflections that
his sandals, and

loosened his
loosened his
He did not seem
storage tanks,
storage tanks,
occupied him for
He did not seem
He did not seem
loosened his
in his mind he made

#0004 atmospheric nanometrices

blasting violet of
blasting violet of
the Coned
Upon being
Upon being
Before our tutoring
the Coned
the Coned
blasting violet of

For one brief moment,
with excruciating
with excruciating
over toward
For one brief moment,
For one brief moment,
swiftness to an open

'Hush!' replied the
'Hush!' replied the
hosts of animate
The object of this
The object of this
longer work and had
hosts of animate
hosts of animate
'Hush!' replied the
He began singing,-

young lady; 'you
young lady; 'you
The track was fresh.
The track was fresh.
guessed what
young lady; 'you
up if I start to

frighten my aunt as
frighten my aunt as
distorted tusks and
had passed
had passed
distorted tusks and
distorted tusks and
frighten my aunt as

much as the
much as the
chin, her heart
but not really
but not really
notwithstanding a
chin, her heart
chin, her heart
much as the
every word.

august highland

muse apprentice guild
–"expanding the canon into the 21st century"

culture animal
–"following in the footsteps of tradition"

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