Fwd: [CAT_lectures] Bronx feral robotic dog pack release!!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Natalie Jeremijenko <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri Jun 20, 2003 2:01:36 AM US/Eastern
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [CAT_lectures] Bronx feral robotic dog pack release!!
> A note to invite you/remind you about the release of a pack of feral
> robotic dogs at the Cement Plant Park at Westchester Ave and Witlock
> Ave. in the Bronx in conjunction with the Bronx River Alliance's first
> day of summer Nature Festival this Saturday June 21 at 1:30pm.
> xdesign.eng.yale.edu/feralrobots
> A great group of teens from the Bronx River Arts Center arts program
> http://www.bronxriverart.org/ have worked with us on upgrading the
> raison d'etre of commercially available robotic dog toys (specifically
> the Megabyte, by WowWee International).