Fwd: soundtoys news

soundtoys <[email protected]> wrote:
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 22:13:53 +0100
To: Lewis LaCook
From: soundtoys
Subject: soundtoys news


. new audio visual experiences….

[email protected]

'Divergence' - soundtoys.net @ Cybersonica 19th -21st June ICA Digital Studio
'Divergence' - soundtoys.net @ New Forms Canada. July 2003
'Divergence' - soundtoys.net @ London Calling. Sonar Spain. June 2003

Soundtoys.net present

'Divergence' - an annual exhibition of 'new audiovisual experiences
curated by Stanza'.

'Divergence' celebrates new audiovisual communication made possible through
the fusion of audio and visual output by the new technologies
available from computing and the Internet. It includes highlights
from the online web based exhibition plus a selection of offline
works including CD-ROMs, DVDs and custom built software.

'Divergence' includes exclusive new pieces Squid Soup continue their
ongoing explorations of navigable spatial music with 'altzero5' - an
installation, an expanding series of online navigable spatial sound
compositions and a downloadable application that makes it possible to
create your own; Ueda's 'Recessed Fissure' - a crafted interface
weaving film cut-ups sampled from webcams and live footage into
structuralist vs situationist audiovisual pieces; Toxi's 'Macronaut'
- transforming subspace harmonics by mixing up audio energy fields
with random parameters to expand the screen to three dimensions.
Beware of subliminal messages! Trust in code and music!; and Stanza's
'Biocity' - a series of touch screen generative paintings merging the
aesthetic of painterly tradition with the emergent beauty of viruses
and cities. There is also a least ten featured projects in
the exhibtion.

New sectons include a forum, more artists interviews, and
installations area and new artists software.

Artists exhibiting online for 2003 includeS. akuvido . andreja
andric . audiophile . beth porter . bradd todd . carla diana .
christine tully . elout de kok . en.ve.lope . enrico tomaselli .
fernando llanos . gijs gieskes . huong ngo . iridescent . isabel saij
. ivan bachev . jonah brucker-cohen . lewis lacock . michael incident
. michael sellam . nagore salaberria . nekomook . nicholas economos .
nicolas clauss . owain rich . pall thayer . peter luining . philip
gaedke . robert atwell . robert wright . squidsoup . stanza .
storybeat . tadej vobovnik . toshiendo . toxi . yoshi sodeoka


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