stupid mtfcr for beginners

I sure that you don't like my English.You like fluently shit about how's Ed=
dy right on his way,Gregy is right on his,Georgy on his.Hitler on his.What=
's is the meter with you, potentially brave man (Marc Garet)?You like to fu=
ck without penis and vagina?No way boy!You deeply disappointed me,so consi=
dered MANIK's world you can existed just like wrong label on wrong product.=
Considered rhizome idea,only interesting process is permanent flux;claver,s=
up,down…Rhizome became so boring that I feel deeply sorry because my frie=
nd Mr.Potocnik pay 5$ for me this year on rhizome to read something interes=
ting.Stupid daddy's Barb's,you have no 30 years,but you are to old in brain=
that only thing you can do is to comity suicide.