Colynos Power for beginners

After U.S and his/her servant U.K aggression on Iraq,after terrible massacr=
es and robering/destroying ancient WORLD cultural heritage from Iraqi museu=
ms.After some week reaction on Rhizome raw.(against war,…etc)rhizome beca=
me "five o clock tea"party for so young /so old members."Dear,can you imagi=
ne,my dad don't like my"."Really,dear,what's that,I men
that something we can sold?"."Oh,no,no and no, is pure essence of m=
y Weltanschauung,you see,my only way to explained my unique and extraordina=
ry position in this miserable World.""I see dear,but, by the way; what you =
think about Mac and Microsoft new deal?""Oh my…new question…Shall we go=
to bye some new technology?Anyway,our brains are death.Is it so dear?Ones =
in our life we can be honest?""Ok,sweetheart,let's bye some new software,ha=
rdware,few new sweat little bomby,and,it's strictly between us I see that o=
ur dear Condom Lise prepare our president for sweat new war only for us.""D=
ear,what's about Colynos Power?""Great news,he's white already.Only his pen=
is refuse to getting white.""Why's that dear?""When he talk with other poli=
tics,her Tiny Tim stole bananas from table."Yo man!"Yo,bro,man!"

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