Re: My Voice (for personal computer and microphone)

y'know—i've been working on the same thing…


Gregory Chatonsky wrote:

> Reading is a retraction between the author's voice (what is written)
> and my interior voice. When I read a book, I read it with my silent
> voice. The author's voice becomes familiar (interior), my voice
> becomes stranger. Reading is between these two voices.
> The spectator enters in a dark room. A small light indicates the
> presence of a microphone. The spectator approaches of the microphone
> and begin to speak to see if something happens.
> His voice triggers violent flash of light and makes appear of words.
> These words link together and construct sentences, a whole book that
> is at every different time.
> To read the text the spectator must speak, his voice and the voice of
> the "author" mix themselves; they synchronize and desynchronize. What
> is the relation between the speech and the writing?