going on the road...

Hi list,

I'm trying to get more people involved in using PANSE for
their own creative purposes (currently I am aware of 2 or 3 people working on
their own modules). If you haven't looked at it, please do at

I'm going to be doing some traveling this
summer. Paris, (near) Lyon, (near) Montpelier and the Hague. If anyone in
these places would be interested in a possible meeting and maybe learning
more about PANSE, let me know. I don't leave till mid-July and will be
traveling till mid-August. Also, if there are any groups of artists out
there in the afore mentioned areas that would be interested in some sort of
formal presentation with a quick tutorial session on using PANSE, I'd be
happy to do that.

If you know of anyone who might be interested who is not on this list then
please feel free to circulate far and wide.

Best regards,
Pall Thayer

Pall Thayer
vefari / kennari / listamadhur
Fjolbrautaskolanum vidh Armula