extricated souls

As I received the signal of that silence it expounded a loudness so
penetrating that I began to imagine the ghosts of Slaughterhouse 5,
Nagasaki, Hiroshima and all the other killing fields where many men took it
upon themselves to make the decision to kill. My witness to all these deaths
were via the television screen, my eyes had caught the visual torment of all
the extricated souls. People that I have never met and never will. It felt
as if I had an affinity with these dead people in my own small way. I also
new what it was like to be tortured, exploited by an insecure male. I knew
that if my father had a gun and a deluded cause, he would be happy to
exterminate others at whim. He would carry any flag for the chance to wield
his wrath upon the unfortunate.