HI Jim,

Yes, an excellent site & the projects really connect kids and technology pl=
ayfully via intimate experience - perhaps some net artists could learn from=
stuff like this…


Hi Regina,

Really enjoyed your new work!

It makes me want to come to Rio!

It is sad to know, however, that so many youths there have little choice =
but crime and violence.

I am curious about the artist's book. Could you tell me about it?

—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf O=
f Regina Celia Pinto
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 1:41 PM
To: [email protected]

I would like to invite all fo you to browser my new e-book at:

Sabia is a brazilian bird.

"Sabia Virtuality" is an experimental narrative that compares and con=
trasts the real and the virtual through three versions of the same text/hyp=

w A printed artist's book.
w A multimedia and interactive digital artist's book (CD-ROM).
w A multimedia and interactive "net-digital" artist's book (website).

"Sabia Virtuality" also spotlights similarities between Brazilian and=
Mexican culture and plays with parodies of the poem "Cancao do Exili=
o" ("Song of Exile," 1843), by Brazilian poet Goncalves Dias. Sabia is =
a brazilian bird.

If possible, send me a feedback.