It just struck me why the pieces feel fugal or
contrapuntal -it's because as you read them I think
you imagine not one but *many* voices.
Once again I'm at a loss to explain *why* this should
be so - but for me its very marked & very effective.
Are these pieces program generated? -I'm assuming yes
-is there writerly intervention on top of this?
In my opinion the best of these kind of pieces are
created by a kind of human/machine partnership where
the raw material is worked over by a program but then
the human reshapes that material in turn.
I believe Lewis LaCook works like that ( I hope that's
a correct summary Lewis).
I can't help feeling there's a very deep connection
here between much of this kind of work and the
surrealists -often the results have much in common and
there's a kind of analogy between generative methods
and automatic writing, except that automatic writing
came from *within* the subconscious and here the
machine generated material *addresses* the
It raises a lot of very interesting questions about
how human beings receive art and how they "interact"
with it to create meaning.
Anyway , great work , I love it.

— Michael Szpakowski <[email protected]> wrote:
> these are all very musical in feel.
> It reminds me not only of folk forms but of fugue
> too.
> I like the increasing complexity too of the later
> #s.
> michael

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