WTO in Sacramento and Ag Expo

Sacramento is an important destination on the World
Trade Organization's (WTO) pre-Cancun itinerary. The
United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), USAID, and
the US State Department are hosting a summit to which
the Ministers of Trade, Agriculture, and Environment
from 180 nations Have been invited. It will take place
in downtown Sacramento from June 23-25, 2003.

An "Expo On Agricultural Science and Technology" will
run concurrently to showcase transnational
agribusiness and biotechnology corporations and
promote an
industrialized, hunger inducing, agricultural model.
These events are intended to build up to the WTOs
September 2003 meetings in Cancun, Mexico. Agriculture
is the most contentious issue inside the WTO. Neither
the meeting nor the Expo are open to the general
public. "This is not a public event", say EXPO
organizers. A broad coalition of community
organizations from Sacramento and Northern California
are organizing a response to these events.


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