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From: "kuda.org" <[email protected]>
Organization: kuda.org
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 20:24:16 +0200
To: "kuda.org" <[email protected]>

22 March to 5 April, 2003 Museum of Voivodina, Novi Sad
19 April to 5 May, 2003 Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade


Biotechnology Convergence / Slaves and Expert Systems / Disinformation and
Infrastructure Control / Money Networks / Databody Economy / Digital
Security / Intellectual Property / Intelligence Networks / Corporate Public
Relations / Infobody Attack

The transition from the industrial to the information society led to major
changes in nearly all spheres of human activity. World-Information.Org
addresses the deep structural transformations that resulted from the
expansion of electronic information and communication technologies and by
way of its exhibition and conference program, as well as its web presence,
disseminating an understanding their cultural, societal and political

In continuing its series of international presentations,
World-Information.Org started a comprehensive program in Serbia. The
World-Information Exhibition has already been presented, from 22 March to 5
April, 2003, at Novi Sad's Museum of Vojvodina, and from 19 April to 5 May,
2003 will be presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade.
Through exhibits and visual diagrams, interactive installations and digital
artworks the exhibition will offer visitors up to date information on the
impact of the expansion of worldwide communication and information networks
on various aspects of society and professional and private life of people.

World-Information.Org is an initiative of Public Netbase/t0 and is organized
in cooperation with kuda.org-New Media Center from Novi Sad and Museum of
Contemporary Art Belgrade.

A new security paradigm overshadows the world of technology and
communication. Conflicts are
increasingly affecting the Infosphere. Communication technologies are
becoming carriers for media PR,
while psychological "truth projection" operations are turning into
socio-technical engineering challenges.

Rounding off the exhibition and the conference, World-Information Lounge
happened from 23 March to 5 April, 2003 in Novi Sad's Museum of Voivodina
where presentations and lectures as well as discussions with artists,
activists, professionals and scientist took place. Beginning with the
opening event where Christoph Kummerer (AT) and Belgrade Yard Soundsystem
(SCG) had music performance, World-Information Lounge presented variety of
themes that were discussed, accenting speakers from Serbia and Montenegro.
Some of the subjects and speakers were: Darko Fritz (HR), 010011000110.org
(IT) and Konrad Becker (AT) talked about Artistic Practice in Information
Saturation; Stanislav Svarc (SCG) about Intellectual Property and Software;
Sava Kuzmanovic from Another World is possible (SCG), Andrej Grubacic (SCG)
and Zoran Petakov (SCG) about ICT and New Social Movements; Slobodan
Markovic from Global Internet Policy Initiative (SCG), Voja Rodic (SCG) and
Bogoljub Pjescic (SCG) both from Association of Internet Providers of Serbia
and Montenegro about e-government vs. e-society - Monopoly in Infosphere,
case Serbia; Aleksandar Radic, military analyst about Intelligence Service
in War and Peace; kuda.org (SCG) about Safe Distance video and Max Moswitzer
and Margarete Jahrmann (AT) about Nybble-Engine-Toolz project.

The World-Information Forum on "Total DisInformation Awareness: Conflict,
Control and Freedom of Information" will be held on 20 April, 2003, in
Belgrade and will scrutinize this recent development. The conference will
act as an open and interdisciplinary forum to discuss questions such as:
"How can transparency of the control of information flows and production be
promoted rather than an opaque system of unaccountable information
dominance? How can it be assured that the public interest is represented in
a balanced way?" Speakers will include Mathias Broeckers (DE), Steve Kurtz
(US), Petar Milat (CR), Sjoera Nas (NL), Marko Peljhan (SI) and Gordan
Paunovic (YU).

World-Information Exhibition Program

World-Infostructure visualizes subject matter linked to various aspects of
the information society. It
represents the results of the research program that has been carried out,
related to with World-Information.Org since autumn 1999 and also forms the
base of World-Information.Org's online knowledge database. On 32 information
displays World-Infostructure illustrates issues associated with the
development of digital media, new communication codes and tools, and
sophisticated technical instruments e.g. the increasing use of biometric
devices or the application of data mining for direct marketing purposes. The
findings of World-Infostructure's research activities have also been
published as "Die Politik der Infosphare.
World-Information.Org." by the Center for Civic Education, Bonn, and
Leske+Budrich, Leverkusen.

Command, control, computer and communication (C4) are the keywords for the
visitors' encounter with
current and historic surveillance and control technologies such as
implantable tracking devices and fingerprint scans. Especially in the
aftermath of the events of 11 September, 2001, governments, police and
intelligence agencies have reinforced and extended their surveillance and
eavesdrop systems. Besides displaying some of the technologies, which are
used in this context World-C4U presents arts projects such as [RT-32] -
ACOUSTIC.SPACE.LAB, NEVA Network Analysis (Marko Peljhan) or Safe Distance
(kuda.org) that examine and question these developments.

Future Heritage shows the rich, diverse and vital variety of electronic
culture. It exhibits the works
of well-known and international artists such as 0100101110101101.ORG,
Critical Art Ensemble and Darko Fritz, including artist initiative from
Serbia: Eastwood, Goran Strugar, Vladan Joler, Zoran Todorovic and
Apsolutno, that experiment and operate with new media and present-day
technologies. Their projects build a bridge between traditional artistic
practice and the possibilities that evolved with the diffusion of electronic
networks and digital devices - they represent what will be the cultural
heritage of tomorrow.


World-Information.Org is realized with the support of: Fund for an Open
Society (SCG), Open Society Institute (HU), Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade
(SCG), Executive Board of City Assembly Novi Sad (SCG), Province Secretary
for Education and Culture (SCG), Department for Cultural Affairs / City of
Vienna (AT), Department of Cultural Affairs / Neue Kunstsektion (AT),
Vojvodjanska banka (SCG), Energosoft (SCG), NSpointNET (SCG), Studio Berar
(SCG), Informatika (SCG), Ovation Advertising (SCG), Bit Computers (SCG),
Computer Dream (SCG), Pristop (SCG), Friends of IBM (DE), Museum of Army
History (AT), Bergdata (AT), Institute "Mihajlo Pupin" (SCG), "Nikola Tesla"
Museum (SCG) and Museum of Community of Yugoslavian Post Office (SCG).



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