FW: DIspatches: Knowledge Maps 1 - TCDC Fellowships announced

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From: Design Institute <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Design Institute <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 15:49:41 -0500
To: [email protected]
Subject: DIspatches: Knowledge Maps 1 - TCDC Fellowships announced

Minneapolis, April 11, 2003


The Design Institute is delighted to announce that nine teams have
been awarded Knowledge Maps Fellowships, as a result of our RFP for
new maps of the Twin Cities, as part of the Twin Cities Design
Celebration 2003, generously supported by Target Corporation.

These new maps will be published in time for TCDC Peak Week,
September 1-7, 2003, and tours of the Twin Cities will be offered
based on their 'hotspots'.

The TCDC Knowledge Maps jury included Minneapolis deputy mayor David
Fey, U of M geography professor Roger Miller, Lucy Thompson, Senior
Planner, City of St Paul Planning and Economic Development
department, and Caren Dewar, Deputy Regional Administrator,
Metropolitan Council.

Each of the following teams is awarded a $6,000 honorarium to
research, write and design their Knowledge Map:

* Heather Beal, Nancy Wojack:
"At Home in the Heartland" - what it means to "dwell" in the Twin
Cities, how prized possessions carry the spirit of home(lands), and
what distinguishes a home from a house

* James Boyd-Brent, Thomas Fisher, Kristofer Layon, Virajita Singh:
"Re-connection and Re-creation: a Map of Spiritual Sites" - a map of
places and sites for personal renewal, spiritual transformation and
respite from the world of consumption

* Kali Nikitas, Richard Shelton, David Wulfman, Diane Mullin:
"The Moveable Feast" - a map of weekly gatherings that travel from
restaurant to restaurant throughout the Twin Cities, so people can
meet to eat, talk and build community

* Robert Adams, Dawn Gilpin, Chad Kloepfer:
"Ask The Dust" - the history and everyday activities associated with
eating, harvesting and exchanging grain - from grain elevators and
flour mills to fortune cookie factories

* Wendy Fernstrum, Chris Faust, Mike Tincher:
"The Twin Cities Community in Gardens" - the culture and agriculture
cultivated in diverse neighborhoods; gardens as places for meeting
and (eventually) eating.

* Malini Srivastava, Zoe Adler-Resnik, Meena Natarajan, Pramila Vasudevan:
"This, That, Here, There" - a map of ethnic community festivals,
exploring these cultural events and reinvigorating the city by
revealing the richness of its diverse populations

* Rachel Hutton, Rachel Thompson, Jonathon Zorn, Alissa Clark, Nick
Schneider: "citySPEAK - an audio map of the Twin Cities" - charting
citywide decibel levels, and collecting sonicStories - residents'
favorite sounds of the cities - for a curated tour

* Scott Paterson, Marina Zurkow, Julian Bleeker:
"Write Your Own City" - a map that charts the activities, journeys
and favorite spaces of users of "PDPal"- an interactive art project
for the web and PDA (commissioned separately by the Walker Art
Center, and going live in June)

* Becky Yust, Lindsay Shen, James Boyd-Brent, Carol Waldron:
"The Smell Map: or Nosing your way through the Twin Cities" -
olfactory experiences emanating from the intersections of people,
enterprise and physical environments

Congratulations to the winning teams, thanks to our jury for their
dedicated work in selecting these projects from a very interesting
pool of entries, and thanks to all teams who submitted for the RFP.

DI Knowledge Maps production team:
Mary deLaittre, TCDC General Manager
Deborah Littlejohn, DI Design Fellow

Enquiries: call Mary deLaittre, 612 386 1594 or email [email protected]

Design Institute
612 625 3373
[email protected]

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already' in the subject line, and we'll desist from sending you
further DIspatches.

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