Arts, Media, Activism, & Social Change (fwd)

hey rhzm list,

this was posted on an ecoarts list I sub to– definitely more touchy-feely
than the 'Future of War' vein (they should perhaps axe the 'puppetry')…
could be good though. don't really know.

anyway, re-posting here.


Subject: Arts, Media, Activism, & Social Change

Please forward this information to your friends and networks. There is
only one more month to enroll.

Arts, Media, Activism, & Social Change May 31-June 13, 2003

This fourteen-day program is intended for artists, activists, and media
makers who wish to create and examine socially engaged art and media
projects. Over the course of the program, students will explore several
strategies for working within community and be exposed to a wide array
of activist art and media, including spoken word, culture jamming,
puppetry, audio and video production, radio production, and web-based
media and art.

Instructors: Beverly Naidus, Arthur Foelsche, Graciela Monteagudo,
Brooke Lehman

Visiting Artists: Charles Fredericks, the Beehive Collective, NYC
Playback Theater, and many others