[Thundergulch Conference] The Future of War: Aesthetics, Politics,

and 4warding…

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Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 18:25:04 -0400
From: Wayne Ashley <[email protected]>
Subject: [Thundergulch Conference] The Future of War:
Aesthetics, Politics, Technologies

Hope you can attend. Wayne

Thundergulch, the new media initiative of the
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council in association with:

Vera List Center for Art and Politics
World Policy Institute
Computer Instruction Center

at The New School


The Future of War: Aesthetics, Politics, Technologies

May 2-3, 2003

The New School
Swayduck Auditorium
65 Fifth Avenue, Ground Floor (at 13th Street) NYC

What do the Department of Defense and the computer
gaming industry have in common? What kinds of strategic
alliances is the Pentagon making with Hollywood? How is
the American Institute of Architects connecting with the
military's designs for a "new security environment?" Are
artists collaborating with, exposing, or resisting the
military by deploying technologies of simulation, data
surveillance, tracking, and computer vision in their work?

A group of internationally renowned panelists explore
these and other questions in The Future of War: Aesthetics,
Politics, Technologies, a two-day conference that examines
the increasingly complex exchanges between the military,
the entertainment industry, the computer industry, the
media and artists. What impact do these exchanges have on
war, technology and related visual cultures in the American
public sphere?

The conference looks at war not simply as a utilitarian
means to an end but as a cultural process involving part-
icular ways of seeing, narrating, and imagining. The
conference will focus on the architectural spaces of war,
the cinematic language of Hollywood combat films, online
gaming and military simulations, and the computer and
installation work of artists.


Friday May 2, 2003 2:30-9:30 pm
Presentation of New Media Works 2:30-5:30 pm
Reception 5:30-7:00 pm
The Aesthetics + Politics of Technologized Warfare 7:00-9:30 pm

Saturday May 3, 2003 10:00 am-7:00 pm
Architecture, Violence, and Social (In)security 10:00 am-12:00 pm
War and the Cinematic Imaginary 1:00-3:00 pm
The Virtual Battlefield: Computer Gaming, Modeling, Simulations
3:30-5:30 pm
Roundtable Discussion 6:00-7:00 pm


Friday May 2, 2003
2:30-5:30 pm
Presentation of New Media Works
Audience members join conference participants and local
artists for a preview of works with informal discussion.

Participants include:
Matt Adams, artist
Alex Galloway, artist/scholar
Joy Garnett, artist/curator
Natalie Jeremijenko, techno artist/engineer
John Klima, artist
Carl Skelton, digital artist/teacher
Eddo Stern, artist/game developer
Lebbeus Woods, architect

7:00-9:30 pm
The Aesthetics and Politics of Technologized Warfare
Radar, 3-D computer graphics, tracking devices, covert
data-gathering,nrobots, and computer vision have become
ubiquitous technologies of warfare and play an integral
role in maintaining "homeland security." These technologies
have long been a rich source of interest to artists engaged
in the subjects of surveillance, control, and military
imaging. Curators, artists, and human rights activists
examine ways in which art exposes the depersonalization of
violence, and resists the erosion of privacy and civil

Joy Garnett, artist/curator;
Natalie Jeremijenko, techno artist/engineer, Yale University + NYU;
Tom Keenan, director, Human Rights Project, Bard College;
Thomas Y. Levin, curator/media theorist, Princeton University

Helen Nissenbaum, professor, Department of Culture +
Communication, New York University

Saturday May 3, 2003
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Architecture, Violence, and Social (In)security
New media artists and architects discuss the impact of
violence, political terrorism and social (in)security on
architecture and public space. Reflecting on physical and
virtual spaces of war, panelists question assumptions about
architecture's physical and psychological permanence. They
will consider ways in which digital technologies limit and
enable public perception of the built environment and
spatial innovation.

Benjamin Bratton, cultural theorist/media architect, Southern
California Institute of Architecture;
Keller Easterling, associate professor, Yale School of Architecture;
Eyal Weizman, architect, Rafi Segal/Eyal Weizman Architects,
Tel-Aviv, Israel

Kadambari Baxi, architect/media designer, Martin/ Baxi Architects

1:00-3:00 pm
War and the Cinematic Imaginary
Collaborations between Hollywood, network televsion and the
Pentagon have become commonplace. The shaping of popular
culture through film and television intertwines with political
strategies for legitimizing new modes of surveillance and
criminalization. Panelists examine the causal relationships
between the business of war and show biz.

Matt Adams, artist, Blast Theory performance collective, Great Britain;
Allen Feldman, recurring visiting professor, Anthropology of Everyday
Life Program, Center for Humanities Studies, Ljubljana;
Michael Shapiro, political scientist, University of Hawaii

McKenzie Wark, author/media theorist

3:30-5:30 pm
The Virtual Battlefield: Computer Gaming, Modeling, Simulations
What role does the military-industrial complex play in the
increased virtualization and digitalization of war and weaponry?
Does this new emphasis on the virtual nature of war decrease its
connection to reality, territory and the body? An interdisciplinary
panel explores the new technologies of imitation and simulation,
and the coordinated efforts of computer programmers, artists, and
the gaming industry to advance the state of immersive military
training and online recruitment.

James Der Derian, professor, International Relations, Watson Institute;
Peter J. Dombrowski, associate professor, Strategic Department of the
U.S. Naval War College;
Eddo Stern, artist/game developer, University of Southern California
Graduate School of Cinema and Television.

J.C. Herz, principal, Joystick Nation

6:00-7:00 pm
Roundtable Discussion
Join conference participants in an informal discussion about
the questions, issues, and themes raised during panel sessions.

Allen Feldman, recurring visiting professor, Anthropology of
Everyday Life Program, Center for Humanities Studies, Ljubljana

*Conference participants are subject to change*

Subway Directions
F to 14th Street & 6th Avenue
1/2/3/9 to 14th Street & 7th Avenue
4/5/6/L/N/Q/R/W to 14th Street-Union Square
A/C/E to 14th Street & 8th Avenue
Journal Square and Hoboken PATH trains to 14th Street & 6th Ave

Admission is free. Registration is encouraged.
Seating is first come, first served.
Register online at http://www.lmcc.net/futureofwar/main.html
For more information or to register by phone call 212-219-9401 x400.

Conference Advisory Committee:
Wayne Ashley, curator, Thundergulch, the new media initiative of LMCC
James Der Derian, Watson Institute research professor of international
relations and professor of political science at the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst
Sondra Farganis, director, Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The
New School
Allen Feldman, recurring visiting professor, Anthropology of Everyday
Life Program, Center for Humanities Studies, Ljubljana
Joy Garnett, artist/curator
Moukhtar Kocache, director, Visual and Media Arts, LMCC
Thomas Y. Levin, culture and media theorist, professor at Princeton
Michael Randazzo, director, Computer Instruction Center, The New School
Stephen Schlesinger, director, World Policy Institute, The New School

This conference is made possible with funding from American Express
Company, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, and in part, with
public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts and the New
York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Wayne Ashley
Curator of New Media
The New Media Initiative of the Lower
Manhattan Cultural Council
One Wall Street Court
New York, NY 10005
Tel. 212-219-9401 ext. 106