three from Dirty Milk

{Dirty Milk is a reactive hyperpoem in progress; these
are some of the texts that will be used for the work}

Murmurs alkali through rain-jambed streets and settle
on her sleeves like a velour of pods. In the West, I
breathe in the hard powder of soulful luck; as a
witness to a shy morning etched on my glasses, the
contemplation of rain and its relations (light, sound,
coolness, parking lot) also take on a weight and shape
not quite as symmetrical as the hunger for her skin
inside an orange for lunch. As you lean into me, and I
take your activity as a cue to transform, what
dimensions emit a sour arc, and which ones flicker?

It's like talking through water; watch her ripple,
concentric and peeling, as one by one you drop words
down her spine. As for her honey: jagged touch; edgy
rubbing in the elegy room. Most of me is an agent in
search of reach. I love the fling of her, hooped and
innocent, across televised bombings that linger behind
the eyelids: crowds of Bosch. Women and children crawl
over each other to get through the screen. Men
dissolve in illegible wars with all the immediacy of
the newest painkillers: slip me onto your tongue; let
me rain on your cells.

As you lean closer into me, leaving echo after echo of
fashion and chemical in the arc you draw with your
voice , I shift accordingly, opening in every center
of myself a white eye to hear your deep green veneer
crackle under morning's noise. She's talking to
no-one in a room cooly crowded with dead lovers and
their implausible tallness. Though edges of sugar
gnarl in her sleeves and knot in spoonfuls of work,
the medicine remains aimlessness in front of a
microphone, waves taken in and creamed to blue,
letting the stars of spring cleaning empty their foul
routes into black screens talking back at her, sassy.
Everything I say upsets the loop.

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