Shogun Ocean

Spinning their accents around fistfuls
of change, a dry heat modulates

from ampersand to nickelback in
three-point-three seconds. Our
lesions, after three or three days
of spinning their assent around

core concepts in cottoncandy retail,
hand their sceptors off to late wakers,

those larva-eyed edifice-smokers, who
in due time span an accident by crapping
parka carvings, hugged sculpts of
icon and nozzle, when threatened

by the presence of the desirous female.
She's wearing next to nothing, so far

down into the silt of margins she has to
look up at the bank of nagging laps;

mirror ocean*shogun gourd*guarding republicans*bumper

and dry now, so:

2003/03/29 13:25:43

net art review:
tubulence artist studio:

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