Skinstrip Online

Skinstrip Online

Declare your naked identity online - a collaboration between & completely naked.

Starting today 24th march. Everyone is welcome to play with the online
facility & upload their bodies at will.

The global digital community are invited to anonymously express their naked
identity using visual images of their bodies. Individual net users
participate in a collective, live event, confronting social and cultural
representations of the body within the net community, by revealing and
viewing their previously unknown corporeality via net-based technology.

The official starting date, linked from the BBC/Shooting live Artists site
is from the 28th of march.

We are also exhibiting with a booth for physical particitpation on the 28th
March at the Site Gallery, Sheffield.

Reviews & articles

Alan Sondheim
"The Internet revolution isn't one of communications and technology alone -
it touches the very social fabric of our world. Sexuality and desire are
foregrounded everywhere…"

Lewis Lacook
"The body looms large in post-modern and contemporary art practice. It's the
symbol of all that's sensual and corporeal–including the artwork itself.
Ever since Andy Warhol…"

Charlotte L. Frost
"Why when we own our bodies from the day we are born are we more likely to
know the processes of our Intel Pentium than our pancreas? Why do we want to
make our computers as personal as possible, and specific only to us, and yet
we don't celebrate the specificities of our own bodies?"

commissioned by Shooting Live Artists.


, marc garrett

Skinstrip Online

Declare your naked identity online - a collaboration between & completely naked.

Starting today 24th march. Everyone is welcome to play with the online
facility & upload their bodies at will.

The global digital community are invited to anonymously express their naked
identity using visual images of their bodies. Individual net users
participate in a collective, live event, confronting social and cultural
representations of the body within the net community, by revealing and
viewing their previously unknown corporeality via net-based technology.

The official starting date, linked from the BBC/Shooting live Artists site
is from the 28th of march.

We are also exhibiting with a booth for physical particitpation on the 28th
March at the Site Gallery, Sheffield.

Reviews & articles

Alan Sondheim
"The Internet revolution isn't one of communications and technology alone -
it touches the very social fabric of our world. Sexuality and desire are
foregrounded everywhere…"

Lewis Lacook
"The body looms large in post-modern and contemporary art practice. It's the
symbol of all that's sensual and corporeal–including the artwork itself.
Ever since Andy Warhol…"

Charlotte L. Frost
"Why when we own our bodies from the day we are born are we more likely to
know the processes of our Intel Pentium than our pancreas? Why do we want to
make our computers as personal as possible, and specific only to us, and yet
we don't celebrate the specificities of our own bodies?"

commissioned by Shooting Live Artists.