Irrelevance Lost

excellent site for background in middle east history and politics…l

Irrelevance Lost

Marc Lynch

(Marc Lynch teaches political science at Williams College.)

March 20, 2003

As the United States and its small band of supporters begin a war against Iraq without Security Council authorization or even a majority show of support, questions about the future of the United Nations seem ever more urgent. For the last several months, Bush administration officials have issued dire warnings that failure to back war against Iraq would condemn the United Nations to irrelevance. Invoking comparisons to the League of Nations, they warned that anything other than full support for the US interpretation of UN Security Council Resolution 1441 – threatening "serious consequences" for Iraqi non-compliance with disarmament demands – would constitute a collapse of international resolve. According to the Bush team's interpretation, intransigent French resistance to the US-British-Spanish resolution authorizing war "forced" the United States to lead its "coalition of the willing" into the war that is now underway.
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